Sangoma FreePBX Everything Bundle (FPBX-C01Y-EB) (Commercial Module Software)

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Sangoma FreePBX Everything Bundle (FPBX-C01Y-EB) provides your business with all the tools you may possibly need to enhance productivity at work. This bundle is a 1-year license. The new Sangoma bundles replace the former Sangoma bundles.

Sangoma FreePBX Everything Bundle (FPBX-C01Y-EB) (Commercial Module Software) 

Sangoma FreePBX Everything Bundle (FPBX-C01Y-EB) provides your business with all the tools you may possibly need to enhance productivity at work. This bundle is a 1-year license. The new Sangoma bundles (Starter, Advanced and Call-Center) replace the former bundles: FreePBX CM Call Center Builder, FreePBX CM System Builder Basic, FreePBX Everything Builder and FreePBX CM System Builder Plus.

Sangoma FreePBX Everything Bundle (Commercial Module Software) 

This bundle provides advanced reporting tools:

  • Appointment Reminder-automate appointment confirmations, cancellations and reschedules
  • Caller ID Management-modify the Caller ID that is outpulsed on the fly.
  • Class of Service-provides granular control at the extension level to access and set permissions of specific calling features of your PBX. These features include Outbound Routes, Feature Codes, Ring Groups, Queues, Conference Rooms, Voicemail Blast Groups and Paging.
  • Conference Proallows end users to manage conference room settings from the user control panel
  • Call Recording ReportsView, Sort , Listen, Archive and download all recorded calls on your system
  • CRM Link Integrationallow you to connect your PBX to your support CRM software to push call history and caller information to your CRM and in conjunction with Zulu allow Click to Call from your CRM and Call Popups into your CRM on inbound calls.
  • Extension Routingallows you to easily and visually control which extensions are allowed to use specific outbound routes.  
  • Fax Pro- allow users to send outbound faxing through a web interface on your FreePBX system.  Simply type the fax number and upload a pdf
  • Outbound Call Limiting-allows you to place restrictions on how many times a number is called during a certain time period
  • Paging Pro-includes outbound Notifications, Valet-Style (Airport-Style) Paging, Prepend Recording, and Scheduled Pages
  • Park Pro-add multiple parking lots within FreePBX
  • Pinset Proprovides you greater flexibility in the deployment of security Pin Codes, allowing system administrators to assign Pin Codes directly to extensions and granularly control per extensions which outbound routes are allowed to be dialed without pin codes
  • QXact Reports-provides full control over what data is displayed for each type of report and allows you to build custom templates for quick reporting.
  • SysAdmin Pro- a power tool for administrators, allows complete system update management directly from the FreePBX GUI as well as management and configuration of system tools such as: intrusion detection, DDNS, DNS, email setup, FTP, abnormal call volume notification, network settings, DHCP server, PNP, port management, power options, storage notifications, time zones, UPS and VPN to FreePBX Support. 
  • Voicemail Notify- onfigure a new Voicemail Notification to monitor a mailbox for new messages. When a new message is left in that mailbox the system will call the recipients listed below until one of them accepts responsibility for the message
  • Voicemail Reports- allows an easy way for System Administrators and Managers to review all users voicemail settings in one place as well as listen to all voicemails residing on the system from one report.
  • VQ Plusoverride the settings of a real queue on a per-call basis. When a call flows through the virtual queue, the settings you have selected will be applied to a real queue later in the call flow
  • Web Call Me- allows you to easily add an HTML call me box to your website. Visitors simply put there phone number in to be connected with you, or a specific destination.
  • XactDialer-Create a broadcast campaign and choose where to route your calls. XactDialer even gives you the option to route calls to different destinations based on whether a person or voicemail answers

The SysAdmin Pro module adds additional functionality for PBX management to the FreePBX included SysAdmin module. The module adds the following configuration options:

  • DDNS – This module uses DDNS to track both the Smart & External DDNS name and address. You can specify your update interval. This module allows you to create a hostname that points to your PBX, providing an easy-to-remember URL for quick access that will update your IP address in theeventthatischangesatomatically.”
  • Email Setup –Withthismodule you can set your SMTP Server information to receive e-mail notification and voicemail to e-mail. Please note that due to the security settings of some mailservers(1and1,GMail), you may need to manually configure additional settings. You have the ability tousethebuilt in SMTP server or specify and external SMTP server.
  • UPS Management – UPS management can be integrated directly into FreePBX. This can be usedtoproperlyshutdown the PBXincase of power loss. This module can also alert you to power related issues.
  • Update Management – The Updates Management module allows you to at a glance check your current system version, view available update, and schedule when updates are to be applied to the system. You can also watch the upgrade process in progress.
  • VPN– Create a VPN tunnel to the FreePBX paid support team to allow them access to your system if you need support. This tunnel is off by default and you have to start and stop it when you want us to access the system for support.
  • FTP Server– Enableanddisablea FTP server and set a username and password. This FTP server points to the /tftpboot directory where all your phone configs are stored using the FreePBX End Point Manager

Extension Routing allows you to easily and visually control which extensions are allowed to use specific outbound routes.

Currently to block extensions from using an outbound route you either have to create a custom context for each extension you want to modify or do the tedious work ofcreatingcustomdialplans. This method is slow, NOT easily replicated or easily checked for errors and omissions. It is not easily configured by novice users.

With ourExtensionRoutingModuleyou can easily view which extensions are able to use specified routes and by dragging and dropping extensions. You can customize your dial plan to enable or disable extensions with the swipe of a mouse.

Setup a public area phone that can dial local or internal numbers,butblockitfrommaking costly Long Distance or International calls? Completely block employees that don’t need international calling from using your international routes.

Restrictions can be placed when creating or editing an Outbound Route.

The Conference Pro module is an add-on to the existing conference module found in FreePBX. This module allows end users to manage conference room settings from the user control panel. Admin users can also easily create conference room IVR’s and choose which conference rooms are a part of the conference room IVR.

The Fax Pro module adds functionality to the standard FreePBX Fax module. Outbound faxing can be done through a web interface on your FreePBX system. Simply type in a phone number and upload a PDF. You can optionally set the outgoing PDF to use a locally storedfaxcoversheet withyourfaxes; and type in a personal message on the coversheet.

  • Outbound Faxes from PDF’s
  • Simple web interface to manage inbound and outbound faxes inside the ARI module of FreePBX
  • Have all inbound and outbound faxes stored on the server for easy viewing and archiving.
  • Createcompanywidefaxcoversheetsthatallow easy customization for each user.
  • This module requires Asterisk tobesetuptohandle faxing with res_fax and either the res_fax_digium or the res_fax_spandsp engines configured for the module to work
  • Configure and manage Asterisk T38 gateway options on each Extension and Outbound Route to take advantage of Asterisk T38 Gateway feature in Asterisk 10 or newer.

The Paging Pro Module expands the normal Paging module in FreePBX to add the following features:

  • Outbound Notifications – Enables the ability to notify a groupofphone(s) when a user dials a specific number, ie: 911. Any page group can belinkedin the outbound routes module. When a call is placed a page will go out to the page group notifying the page group of what number was dialed and what user dialed the number. Any user of the page group can dial *1 to barge into the call and speak.
  • Valet Style Paging (Airport Style) – You can now choose to have your pages recorded and when you hang up have it send the audio file to all the devices that are part of the page group. This setting is done on a per page group. You can also tell the system to only use Valet if someone dials the page group and it is in use \ already.
  • Prepend Recording – You can now have the page group whether normal or valet style play a recorded message to all participants of the page group before the pager can start speaking.
  • Scheduled Pages – Define custom schedules to have the system page a group of devices and play a recording. This is a great replacement for school bell systems or lunch break buzzers.

Park Pro adds the ability to add multiple parking lots within FreePBX, useful for companies running multiple locations off the same server, or companies that need multiple parking lots or have many internal departments.

Park & Announce Feature-Automatically Announces Parked Calls to a Page Group.

The Park and Announce feature of Parking Pro allows you to set up and define & automatically announce when a call is parked by paging a group of phones. Parked calls can be picked up by anyone on a system. As an option this module allows the caller to leave a brief message to be played during the page announcement. This can be useful for announcingthecallersnameor other information requested from your caller. Parked Calls will then be announcedtotheapaginggroup allowing anyone to pick-up the call at the announced extension.


Appointment Reminder module for FreePBX is a unique way to automate appointment confirmations, cancellations and reschedules. By simply specifying numbers and names to be called your PBX will automatically call at specified times and allow recipients to confirm / cancel / reschedule appointments. The module gives you the flexibility to control all details of the calls from rate limiting to retry attempts and days ahead to notify of an appointment. You have the ability to simply load a CSV list of numbers to call, or even add numbers and names manually. On the fly modifications can be made to any Appointment Reminder list to allow for total flexibility.

The CallerID Management module is a unique way to modify the Caller IDthatisoutpulsed on the fly.

By dialing a simple feature code you can change the Caller ID for the next call on your extension. Optionally you can also specify the Persistent field, If this is checked the CID is permanently changed for all future calls for your extension until another feature code is entered to change it.

The Class of Service Administration module provides granular control at the extension level to access and set permissions of specific calling features of your PBX. These features include Outbound Routes, Feature Codes, Ring Groups, Queues, Conference Rooms, VoicemailBlastGroups and Paging.

The Class of Service module for FreePBX allows you to restrict extensions from dialing the following destinations of your PBX.

Many industries must record and archive calls for Customer Satisfaction, Employee Evaluation and Training, Security, and Legal Compliance reasons. Managing these recordings within Asterisk typically involves lots of management time sorting and filtering CDR reports to manually extract system call recordings.

Tired of searching the system Call Detail Records for call recordings? Running out of storage on your system due to required archiving of call recordings? With the Call Recording ReportModuleyou can View,Sort ,Listen, Archive and download all recorded calls on your system.

  • View Recordings By Year, Month and Date
  • Auto Archive calls recorded by Asterisk in FreePBX
  • Download archives as .tgz file that can be opened using common tools like Winzip or 7-Zip
  • Directly listen to and download all call recordings that exist on your system
  • As archives are created the oldest archive is deleted to control disk storage
  • Archives are created on the 1st of every month
  • Module auto generated email reminders at time of Archive Creation
  • Sort Recordings by Call Type, Source, Destination, Time, or Duration

Pin Set Pro provides you greater flexibility in the deployment of security Pin Codes, allowing system administrators to assign Pin Codes directly to extensions and granularly control per extensions which outbound routes are allowed to be dialed without pin codes.

We’ve also added a new report that gives you an exportable call detail report and billable hours summary, this report includes the ability to filter by dates, duration,pincode,sourceand destination DID’s.

Whether you are a larger company looking to bill the cost of calls to internal cost centers or a smaller business looking to recoup the cost of client calls and billable time, Pin Set Pro makes it simple to generate detailed call reports and billable summaries that can be exported to your favorite spreadsheet application.

NEW Settings in Extensions Module

Granularly Control which outbound routes each extension is allowed to dialpinless, and which routes still require a pin.

NEW Report “Pinsets Code Report”
  • Generate downloadable reports that include:
  • Call Details: Date/Time, Account Code, Source, Destination, Duration, Billable Time
  • Billable Hours Summary
  • Filter by: date range, duration, account code, source & destination DID.
You can configure a newVoicemail Notificationto monitor a mailbox for new messages. When a new message is left in that mailbox the system will call the recipients listed below until one of them accepts responsibility for the message. All numbers in the first priority will be called simultaneously, then if nobody has accepted the message it will continue to call all recipients in the next higher priority until it runs out of priorities to call. It will then retry the entire list if configured to do so

With Voicemail Reports, there is now an easy way for System Administrators and Managers to review all users voicemail settings in one place as well as listen to all voicemails residing on the system from one report.

Greetings & Settings
Allows you to quickly view individual Users Greetings and Settings. And quickly tell who needs to record greetings as well as see who is setup to receive voicemail to email.

View & Listen to Voicemails
You can also see and listen to all of the voicemails residing on your system. Data listed includes Mailbox Number, Date and Time, Folder, Caller ID, Duration and listen tab.

The Web CallBack module allows you to easily add an HTML call me box to your website. Visitors simply put there phone number in to be connected with you, or a specific destination. The Web CallBack module allows you to specify a CID to be prepended which alerts you that the call is coming from a specific callback. You can also set Dial Matches to specify which numbers users are allows to call. Once you have set your destination and saved changes you will be given HTML code to paste into your website.

The CallerID Management module is a unique way to modify the Caller IDthatisoutpulsed on the fly.

By dialing a simple feature code you can change the Caller ID for the next call on your extension. Optionally you can also specify the Persistent field, If this is checked the CID is permanently changed for all future calls for your extension until another feature code is entered to change it.

The Class of Service Administration module provides granular control at the extension level to access and set permissions of specific calling features of your PBX. These features include Outbound Routes, Feature Codes, Ring Groups, Queues,ConferenceRooms,VoicemailBlastGroups and Paging.

The Class of Service module for FreePBX allows you to restrict extensions from dialing the following destinations of your PBX.

The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Link module is designed to allow you to connect your PBX to your support CRM software to push call history and caller information to your CRM and in conjunction with Zulu allow Click to Call from your CRM and Call Popups into your CRM on inbound calls.

Does your company call consumers? Yes? Worried about fines from not complying with various local, state and federal regulations placed on companies that call consumers? Whether your company makes collections calls, sales calls or telemarketing calls you need to place limits on the number of calls made to consumers to avoid government fines for harassment, which can be in the thousands per call in some cases.

The Outbound Call Limiting module that allows you to place restrictions on how many times a number is called during a certain time period. So for example if you have an outbound route forCalifornia based numbers and had Outbound Call Limiting in place on that route this module would allow you to make only the allowed numbers of calls to any specific number in California, when exceeding the call limit during the specified time period any additional calls would be blocked, and a recording would play advising you that the call was not allowed.

  • Assign Call Limits to Outbound Routes
  • Control how many times you can call a phone number during a set period of time
  • Set your ownlimitsofbothnumberofcallsandtime period.
  • Outbound Call Limiting is compatible with our Xact Dialer Product

Pin Set Pro provides you greater flexibility in the deployment of security Pin Codes, allowing system administrators to assign Pin Codes directly to extensions and granularly control per extensions which outbound routes are allowed to be dialed without pin codes.

We’ve also added a new report that gives you an exportable call detail report and billable hours summary, this report includes the ability to filter by dates, duration,pincode,sourceanddestinationDID’s.

Whether you are a larger company looking to bill the cost of calls to internal cost centers or a smaller business looking to recoup the cost of client calls and billable time, Pin Set Pro makes it simple to generate detailed call reports and billable summaries that can be exported to your favorite spreadsheet application.

NEW Settings in Extensions Module

Granularly Control which outbound routes each extension is allowedtodialpinless, and which routes still require a pin.

NEW Report “PinsetsCode Report”
  • Generate downloadable reports that include:
  • Call Details: Date/Time, Account Code, Source, Destination, Duration, Billable Time
  • Billable Hours Summary
  • Filter by: date range, duration, account code, source & destination DID.

If you use ACD/Queues you need Queue Reports to help you make the most of your time! Queue Reports is an advanced reporting module that lets administrators keep an eye on every aspect of their queues. With QueueReports you are given insight into each and every one of your queues. Queue Reports gives you full control over what data is displayed for each type of report and allows you to build custom templates for quick reporting. Each report type such as “All Call Distribution by Queue” has a list of columns that can be checked and unchecked for on the fly view customization.

Queue Reports is broken up into two sections. Templates and Reports.Templatesallowsyouto build the specific information that you would like to view in the report and then save it.Reportsallowsyouto run your template against any or all of your Agents and Queues.

  • See call distribution by agent, queue,dayofthe week, or even down to the hour.
  • View the average call time and average hold times.
  • View service call thresholds.
  • See the reason calls are being disconnected (Whether the customer or the agent is hanging the call up first, or if the call was abandoned.)
  • Many more advanced reporting features.

Queues Pro expands the options available in the PBX queues and allows you to assign dynamic queue penalty rules to escalate calls based on the length of hold time. Queues Pro also allows you to create Virtual Queues to manage queue behavior and expand and customize caller destinations for callers routed through the virtual queues.

NEW **Queues Call Back Option**

Allow callers tooptionallyhanguptheir call and have the queue hold their position in line for them and call them back once theirheldposition would be the next caller to betransferdtoa agent.

Build Dynamic Queue Penalty Rules that change the longer a caller waits in a queue.

Example: Set a queue to onlytry agents with a penalty of 0-3 for the first 30 seconds, then only try agents with a penalty of 2-5 for the next minute.

Create Virtual Queues

A virtual queue allows you to change the settings of a queue before you route the call to your queue.

  • Announcements
  • Destination of Failover
  • Wait Time
  • Minimum and Maximum Penalties CID Prefixes

Example: Setup a single support queue “4000”. All normal support callers go to Queue 4000, but you could create a virtual queue “VIP” that would allow you to change the CID prefix of the callers that come through to be VIP before they are sent to queue 4000. This allows you to setup one queue for all of your agents to log into, but route callers through the Requires FreePBX 2.11 or Greater virtual queue to change settings before going to queue 4000.

Expanded Queue Destination Controls

The standard queue only allows you to send unanswered calls to a single destination regardless of why the call was not answered. Queues Pro gives you the ability to control destinations for additional reasons.

  • Queue Fail Over on FULL Destination
  • Queue Fail Over on JOINEMPTY Destination
  • Queue Fail Over on LEAVEEMPTY Destination
  • Queue Fail Over on JOINUNAVAIL Destination
  • Queue Fail Over on LEAVEUNAVAIL Destination
Post Hangup Destinations

Queues Pro adds the ability to route both the agent and callers to any destination on hangup of a queue call.

Example: Route the inbound callers to a survey system automatically when the agent hangs up the call, or send the agents to a similar destination when the caller hangs up the call.

The Web CallBack module allows you to easily add an HTML call me box to your website. Visitors simply put there phone number in to be connected with you, or a specific destination. The Web CallBack module allows you to specify a CID to be prepended which alerts you that the call is coming from a specific callback. You can also set Dial Matches to specify which numbers users are allows to call. Once you have set your destination and saved changes you will be given HTML code to paste into your website.

Xact Dialer- Does your company do outbound message broadcast dialing? Would you like to automate the process? If so Broadcast is for you. Simply Start a Campaign and choose where your calls will be routed to. It even gives you the option to route calls based on whether they are answered by a person or an answering machine. To make it even easier, you can also choose to get reports on your campaign daily or after the campaign completes. Stop dialing each individual number and contact a Sales Representative today to see how you can benefit from Broadcast! Please note this is not a predictive dialer and is designed to broadcast messages to your call list.

  • Upload CSV lists
  • Schedule call times
  • View service call thresholds
  • Complete reports on person/voicemail and duration
  • Route calls based on whether person or voicemail answered
  • Pause active campaigns
More Information
SKU 02-124957
Shop By Brand Sangoma
Model FPBX-C01Y-EB
MSRP $1,729.00