AudioCodes Session Border Controllers (SBCs)

AudioCodes' range of platforms includes cloud-native, virtualized, and appliance SBCs for enterprises and service providers. AudioCodes Mediant SBCs facilitate secured voice and video communications, delivering uninterrupted business voice services by leveraging high availability and resiliency mechanisms. In cloud deployments, they deliver supreme scale and cost optimization of cloud resources with real-time dynamic elasticity. Mediant SBCs are certified by leading unified communications (UC) providers, such as Microsoft Teams (Direct Routing and Operator Connect), Zoom and RingCentral, as well as by contact center providers such as Genesys (Engage and Cloud), Microsoft Dynamics 365, and Avaya. The SBCs typically connect between UC, contact center, and SIP trunk services, supporting an enterprise’s co-existence or migration strategies and protecting it from fraud and malicious attacks. Some AudioCodes SBCs feature PSTN interfaces to allow connectivity to legacy equipment if required.


AudioCodes Session Border Controllers