Zero Touch Provisioning with Algo ZTP

Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) is a term that has been appearing more and more often as a way to carry configuration. The only other things to show up as much as Zero Touch Provisioning are the questions “What is Zero Touch Provisioning?” and “What’s it all about?”
Working for IT-based companies in the tech industry that specialize in IT infrastructure, I’ve come to see mishaps, breakdowns, and outages as well as innovation and advances in technology that have been known to make “our lives” easier and simplified operations.
This ease is not only enjoyed upfront by the users but also by those behind the scenes, doing the grunt work. I’m talking about Engineers, Field Engineers, IT Operators, and Administrators.
There is a dreaded phrase thrown about the industry: “Touching every endpoint.” This phrase basically means that an engineer would have to manually install software or updates on hardware and devices, or configure each device, one at a time. Sometimes this would need to be done onsite.
Many a tale of woe have I heard regarding such exploits. These folks who have spun these tales are now all gone. And like Job’s servant, I only am escaped alone to tell thee.
Manual configuration is laborious, open to the possibility of errors, costly, and time-consuming. This repetitive, arduous task of constantly starting to move forward against seamlessly never-ending strife, only to find the brief reprieve of completing the task wilt away as you have to start the same task over again can bring to the forefront your inner Sisyphus. Heck, upon review, you may even gain some sympathy from the domed Greek himself!
(It is better to be a Metaphorical Sisyphus than try to replicate his ordeal in real life. Trust me, I found out the hard way. Let’s just say that spending the day trying to push a rock up a hill didn’t go so well.)
And, much like a reprieve from Zesus, those advances in technology we spoke about earlier have delivered unto us Zero Touch Provisioning.
Zero Touch Provisioning automates much of the manual work involved in traditional device configuration.
Algo, a manufacturer of IP endpoints for IP paging, emergency alerting, and secure door or gate entry for UC, collaboration, and mass notification environments, has perfected and improved upon Zero Touch Provisioning services with Algo Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) and their Algo Device Management Platform (ADMP).
Algo ZTP is a helpful resource to speed up the deployments of multiple devices in large-scale environments, such as schools, factories, or enterprises. ADMP is a powerful tool to simplify the process of managing, monitoring, and maintaining Algo devices from any location.
Algo offers customers the ability to self-manage ZTP for Algo devices within the ADMP. Algo ZTP and ADMP allow for easy deployment, setup, and management of Algo devices.
ADMP customers get Algo ZTP for free. So while annual licenses are required for device management within the ADMP, no licenses are required to utilize the Algo ZTP feature. An ADMP account with zero management licenses can be created, allowing users to set up an ADMP account for ZTP-only purposes. Customers can also request Algo ZTP access within the ADMP portal.
Let’s get started by setting up Algo ZTP and uploading ZTP Config Files.
First, you will need to create an ADMP account. After you have created an account and are in the ADMP portal, upload your configuration files in the ZTP Config section (ZTP → Config) located in the menu on the upper left-hand side. Here you can upload your configuration files. Upload configuration files either by pressing the Browse button and adding the files or drag and drop files. Once the configuration file is uploaded, it will be visible under Files. The content can be viewed by clicking on the filename.
Note: Algo’s ZTP was designed as a redirect server. It works as a redirection to the central provisioning server. Please also note that ZTP will become active on the first boot or after a device has been factory reset.
Now let’s add files to Device Mapping.
Once the configuration file(s) have been uploaded, map them to the target device(s). To map the Config Files to the targeted devices, go to the ZTP Devices section (ZTP → Devices) in the menu. Click the Add Devices button located in the top right corner. Enter the MAC addresses manually or upload a text file containing all the MAC addresses (Please note that for both options, the content be separated by commas). Lastly, select a configuration file to be associated with the MAC address(es).
Once the device is powered up, or reset, the device will automatically reach out to Algo’s hosted ZTP. At this point, it will request a configuration file based on its MAC address. If there’s a match, it will apply the settings.
Please note that while Algo ZTP is primarily used as a redirect server, users like to utilize it because they want their devices to appear automatically in the ADMP when it launches.
Under Files in the ZTP Config section (ZTP → Config) click on the auto-admp.tex file. When you look at this file, you will see a couple of features in the device; such as ADMP is turned on, here is the tenant that you want it associated with, and this provisioning file, when the device boots up, will input your ADMP credentials right into that device. For example, if you bought multiple units of the same Algo device for a location and wanted them to be managed in the ADMP, this will automatically do this and the devices would show up in your Monitor dashboard so you can manage and monitor them in ADMP.
Algo has set up a series of checks and balances to ensure security. Algo ZTP is secured by TLS mutual authentication using certificates. The device certificate installed on each Algo IP endpoint from the factory is unique and associated with Its MAC address. During boot-up, the device will automatically reach out to Algo’s hosted ZTP server ( and establish a TLS connection secured with the Device Certificate. This ensures the data transfer is fully encrypted.
So you are all set. We’ve had a good look at Algo ZTP and we’ve seen the many advantages of Algo ZTP, which include:
- Automate the setup of network devices
- Simpler and faster updates
- Reduce human errors
- Reduce cost by saving time on manual tasks
- Have all devices appear automatically in the ADMP
- Devices come pre-loaded out of the box
Visit our website to learn more about Algo products and reach out to one of our VoIP experts at 1-800-398-8647!
Are you ready to take advantage of the benefits of utilizing Zero Touch Provisioning? Do you have Algo ZTP and successfully configured your files? Leave your comments below.