Maybe, we are a little biased over here at VoIP Supply but we think VoIP service brings an added value to a business or home office. We have been doing this for almost 15 years now! Hopefully at the end of this article you’ll grow fonder of VoIP!
With reduced costs for long distance calls and the ability to add/drop lines as needed, you will begin to see your monthly bill go down. Also, you can reduce time spent on upkeep or trouble shooting issues by allowing a VoIP service to handle all that for you. Which is generally called Hosted VoIP Service.
With a VoIP phone system you have the ability to access your phone system from anywhere you have an internet connection from. Make and receive calls from your hotel, home office or local coffee shop. This will make the work/life balance a little more attainable.
One great VoIP feature that allows you not to be tied to your desk is Find Me/Follow Me. Check out the video below to learn a little more about that!
When it comes to your team talking on the phones with customers you want to be able to make sure all is being taken care of. With call recording, talk time and the ability to listen in on live calls. you can be very hands on with the entire team.
A little healthy competition can’t hurt! If you’re looking to engage with your sales team check out this cool feature that allows you to create competitions amongst your sales team. Here’s an example, you noticed the higher the average time on a call the better more successful you will be with that customer. You can create a competition with your advanced analytics that gives all the team members involved to see their call stats and also where they stand against other competition.
Instead of having an employee manually putting this information in you save time and money by having it automated.
When it comes to missing a call (either by accident or on purpose!) it can be a bit of a pain to listen to the voicemail. You may also y be out of the office and forget to turn on your Find Me/Follow Me feature and missed a call. VoIP gives you two new options!
With your voicemails sent to your email you can listen to the recording direct from your inbox, at your desk or on your mobile device. When receiving a text message for your voicemail you will get the entire voicemail transcribed into a message. This can be very useful if there is information within the voicemail that you may want. No need to go back and listen to a message multiple times.
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