Where’s My Cell Phone?!

March 14, 2008 by Garrett Smith

Being in marketing communications and public relations, particularly for technology and VoIP Supply, I tend to spend a lot of time reading and following the media: social, traditional, viral, etc. So I come across a lot of great stories online, including blogs that not only give suggestions for better business, but teach lessons for a less stressful, more successful personal life.

Almost everyone in the known universe has a cell phone. Some have two, one personal, one for work, and some even have three (although for what other information couldn’t come through two cell phones, I’m not sure…). We juggle keys, briefcases, purses, wallets, lunches, phones, portfolios, laptops… In the transfer of all these items, sometimes our key lifeline disappears into thin air–the magically vanishing cell phone. Poof!

For most of us we can pick up a friend’s cell phone or a landline, call the number and strain our ears for the muffled tone hidden under a couch cushion, buried in the bottom of our work bag, or resonating out from under our dog’s bed. Sometimes it gets even worse and we have to struggle to listen for vibrations…some of which are more powerful than others.

But for many of us, particularly the younger generation, we don’t need a landline to exist. If we live alone, or are in for the night, there are not a lot of ways to try and locate your phone via stationary telephony. This is where my trusty media friends come in handy. I found this website care of a blog by Tom Keating over at TMCnet.com. Go to http://www.wheresmycellphone.com, type in your phone number, and the website will call your phone for free.

Genius. If only the internet could always have such useful sites!

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