VoIP Requests Appeal For Video Communication in Law Firms
Note: This is the 3nd installment in a three part series about VoIP for law firms. Click here for Part I and Part II.
If you run a law practice, then you know how easy it can be to feel like you’re serving both your clients’ business and personal needs.
Clients with legal troubles have real problems that they need you to help them deal with; any good lawyer knows that providing these clients with a personal touch is paramount to your success. Similarly, making sure that your own team stays in touch via today’s technology is equally important.
That’s why video conferencing is such an important part of utilizing today’s VoIP technology in a law office setting. We believe that LifeSize is one of the best providers for the solutions you’re seeking. Read on to find out why.
Pesonal Touch in the Cloud
Utilizing cloud-based technology for its video communication system in LifeSize Connections, LifeSize can bridge:
- Voice
- Data
- Chat
- Full, instant communication with an entire team.
Options run the gamut from a simple face-to-face chat to a full conference from company to company or client to law firm.
Admittedly, this is a lot to digest. So take a look at the LifeSize Connections product tour to get a better idea of everything that’s going on with their conferencing technology. And if everything is starting to sound expensive, remember that you can always opt for a pay-as-you-go plan that allows you to customize your own usage and payment.
Below is a sampling of additional LifeSize products and services you’ll want to utilize depending on your office size and conferencing needs.
Lifesize LGExecutive
A video conferencing station with HD capability and the functionality of a PC monitor, you can use the LifeSize LGExecutive communication station for virtually all of your video conferencing needs.
In fact, you can replace your current PC monitor and use this one, allowing you to glide seamlessly with typical office work and face-to-face communication.
LifeSize Passport Series
Ideal for personal offices, teleworkers, and collaboration rooms, the affordable LifeSize Passport Series option can plug into Skype and use the video conferencing plan you already have through that service.
These handheld devices can make a great “on the go” option for someone who needs to take up less space in their office. Check out a tour of the Passport series here.
LifeSize Express Series
The most successful LifeSize product to date, the LifeSize Express series is ideal for small groups or even teams of remote individual workers. It’s essentially a portable way to utilize a full-capability remote workstation and still conduct essential communications.
LifeSize Team Series
Sometimes, you’re going to find the need to use a large conference room and multiple users as it relates to video conferencing. This is where the LifeSize Team Series steps in, allowing customization including defining workgroups and allowing separate teams to work together.
Of course, this raises a new question: which product should you acquire for your law firm? Choosing which series is right for you will be dependent on your law office’s individual needs and, of course, on the needs of your legal team. But make sure to give each product a look to see if there’s one series in particular that jumps out to you as being ideal for your firm.
Sometimes it’s better in the long run to future proof your video communication needs by opting for a system that’s larger and more advanced than your current needs.
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1 Comment
Lifesize product is very interesting regarding communication! It really can improve communication inside the office. By this it will a lot of businesses that needs to enhance their communication.