Patrick Benard of TMCNet has an excellent piece today on the emergence of pyramid or Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) schemes within the VoIP industry. The premise is simple – you pay an upfront fee to get into the program and receive basic training. Next you go out an recruit others to become agents underneath you. Do you or anyone else you have recruited every really sell VoIP service? Who knows. But who cares, you going to be rich right?
These schemes are very popular with teenagers and college students for obvious reasons – they “sell the dream” of getting rich quick, but only those at the top, usually the “founders”, are the only ones who get rich quick. So why do I mention this? I do because these schemes can really become a black eye on the industry. Any group of people who are directly or indirectly representing the industry, whose sole intent is to “get rich quick” is bound to do things that will hurt the image of our industry.
My advice to those approached by peers or others who are members of a pyramid or MLM scheme pushing VoIP? Walk the other way. There are plenty of careers and entrepreneurial opportunities within the VoIP industry. Don’t waste your time or money with a pyramid or MLM scheme. Your February VoIP News Update is here! up first this month is the brand-new… It's time to unleash mobility with LINKVIL by Fanvil's new multi-cell solution! This webinar…
Before I was in digital marketing, I was a teacher. For 7/12 years I taught… See the Snom D815 SIP Phone like never before in this exclusive Product Feature…
AudioCodes Session Border Controllers (SBCs) have achieved a significant milestone by obtaining the FIPS 140-3… Sit back, relax, and learn everything you need to know about the new Fanvil…