Top 12 Ways to Spend Leftover Budget

December 4, 2012 by Christina Smith

With the end of 2012 (and possibly the whole world) quickly approaching, we wanted to do a favor for those of you with excess budget that you need to “use or lose”.  I know, I know- you can thank us later, because with these “top 12 things to do with excess budget” you don’t have to plan on your own, and you can take back your most important asset – your time!

12.  Company tickets for an NHL game! Everyone loves to blow off some workplace steam by having a  few brews and sitting back to watch some….. oh wait…

11.  Learn to dance Gangnam Style. Many fitness places around North America are offering classes to learn how to ride your horse Gangnam Style, including Sunberry Fitness in Richmond, a suburb of Vancouver. You can be the life of your company’s holiday party this year!

10.  Company dog! Recently, Tracey Drury from Buffalo’s Business First publication did a story about the benefits of having dogs in the workplace… on the other hand, not such a good idea, they pee indoors.  But what the heck, get a company dog, but make sure to also hire an intern for cleanup duty! Even better, get a self efficient dog like our Rufus here at VoIP Supply!

9 .  The newest Ipad for each employee! If you act now, you can get the iPad 4 before they become obsolete! Rumor has it that the iPad 5 will be released in early 2013!  Hurry and get it while its Now! No really… go right now! tomorrow may be too late!

8.   Stock in IBC (Hostess)! What do you mean the ticker is delisted?

7. A new VoIP System! As fun and sexy as this sounds (not so much) a new VoIP system is the a sure fire way to make sure you have even more extra budget dollars next year at this time… Using VoIP via a new VoIP PBX, or by SIP Enabling your existing PBX can save you up to 50% off your existing phone bill! An investment now can save you a ton later!

6.   A shelter for pending Armageddon! Invite your whole company and their families to your brand new fallout shelter! Who says the end of the world has to be a drag? and if the Apocalypse doesn’t come this time around, CELEBRATE! I will share my Facebook invitation to the Day After the End of the World party!

5. Tickets to see the Buffalo Bills in the Superbowl! I hear those tickets are on preorder now… Email [email protected]. for more info!

4. A beach vacation in Buffalo NY. Nestled along the shores of crystal clear Lake Erie, Buffalo NY is a top beach destination… however we suggest you wait until July.

3. Make your staff’s dreams a reality! Have each member of your staff draw a picture of their favorite person or thing and then visit to turn your staff’s dream into a real thing that they can hold and display! No joke here, this is pretty cool!

2. Pay for next year’s travel costs! Did you know that business travel in the US is estimated to be responsible for $464 billion in spending next year?  Why not get a jump on next year’s travel and book it all now! $100 billion of this is associated with meetings and events. You know you are going to have meetings next year! Plan ahead!

1. Better yet, plan ahead to spend about 50% LESS on travel next year, and every year after that!

Installing and using a Video Conferencing system can help you to reduce your annual travel budget  on average 50%.  Like Cousin Eddy says, that is the gift that keeps on giving throughout the entire year!


Video conferencing isn’t just for big enterprises anymore. In fact, research shows that small and medium businesses are using video conferencing more than the big guys!  If you have multiple locations and travel between them frequently, you can’t afford not to look into telepresence! To read more about why you should invest in Telepresence, read our entry on Taking Your Business to the Next Level.

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