The Grandstream WP820: The WiFi Phone You’ve Been Waiting For!

June 13, 2019 by Steve Lopian

One thing’s for sure, there is no shortage of IP phones in the market. Having been working in the industry for as long as I have, It seems like there have been hundreds and hundreds of new phones released since 2014.

While all of the phones I’ve come across are a nice combination of desk phones, DECT phones, color screens with sidecars etc., there has always seemed to be one type of phone missing.  A WiFi phone.

But then Grandstream Networks came along and released the WP820! With so little choices out there or WiFi phones, this was very nice to see hit the market. And aside from its sleek design and feature list, the price point of $219.00 for this phone was twice and nice.

Even though our team couldn’t contain all of the excitement when this phone was made available for purchase, we did have our eye on it.  If you follow Grandstream or are a member of their Beta Club, then you know this phone has been in the works for quite some time.

While the phone was in beta, we were able to get one in our lab for testing. We were so impressed with the beta version that we decided to put together a review video for that, which you can watch here.

Now you’re probably saying to yourself “okay, that’s great, but are you going to review the real deal?” The answer is yes! We have and it is exactly what we expected it to be. Awesome.

The final product is packed with Bluetooth, HD voice and a panic button just to name a few features.  If you want to know more about what you’re getting out of this phone, then click the video above and see what the new WP820 WiFi phone from Grandstream Networks is all about!

Do you use the WP820? Or maybe a different WiFi phone? What are your likes and dislikes? Let us know in the comments below! We want to hear from you!

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