SimpleWan Technical Webinar Recap: Real-time CyberSecurity System, Multi-Site Management, and more!

September 1, 2017 by Ying-Hui Chen

Last week, VoIP Supply and SimpleWan co-hosted a technical webinar to explore their real-time cybersecurity protection system, remote multi-locations management, and more technical features. If you’ve missed it, you won’t want to miss the recap here! Let’s check out some highlights in the webinar:

SimpleWan brings the tools and services necessary for any Service Provider and/or IT Professional to provide protection and security and reduce the overall customer hassle of managing their hosted solution.

Why SimpleWan

It’s a simple solution to manage multiple locations under one roof and it is very flexible to change and add to your network. See key features:

  • Easy managing, diagnosing and analyzing networking
  • Centrally provisioning networking service for every location
  • Provides real-time access to remotely monitor networking
  • Provides location-by-location analytics

During the webinar, the most exciting thing is to see the live demo of SimpleWan’s system. Let’s dive in some of the technical features!

Networking Dashboard

Josh Haselhorst from SimpleWan walked us through the networking dashboard in real-time action, showing us that monitoring all your systems under one roof can be simple and efficient.


Real-time Security Monitoring

Check out the real-time blocked attacks right from the dashboard report. You’d be surprised by how many attacks that can happen within seconds, no matter how small or big your company is!


Bandwidth and Service Breakdown

You will also see the bandwidth and service breakdown so when some issues arise, you will be able to pinpoint yourself to see which location or area in the system has gone wrong before reaching out to your technical support.


PCI Compliance Summary

See the status of your PCI compliance all in one table. Once you pass all the requirements, you still need to get the certificate of compliances. But with SimpleWan you don’t need a third-party company to do this for you! Simply download your certificate of compliances right within the system and you are ready to go do business without extra costs! This is a great feature for end-users and resellers!


UniFi Controller

UniFi controller is a useful control panel that allows you to see where all your access points (APs) located and to easily manage all of them without leaving your seat!
This is a huge benefit, especially for the hospitality industry. You will be able to see what devices are connected to which APs and who is accessing the APs and where they are. You can block and add users and see the statistics all within the dashboard.
simplewan-slidesDownload the webinar slides HERE

SimpleWan’s security system is straightforward and easy to use for every business. It is flexible and has a lot more features to offer. Call one of our VoIP experts at 1-800-398-8647 and start protecting your system with us today!

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