Last time, we talked about Paging Pro, VM Notify, Fax Pro, Call Recording and Q-Xact. Today we will look into more Sangoma’s FreePBX Modules including Xact Dialer, Appointment Reminder, Parking Pro, Voicemail and Pin Set Pro.
Make your outbound dialing easier and remove any room for dialing the wrong number. Simply create a campaign list and which extension you would like these calls sent to.
With this add-on you’re able to schedule appoints within your PBX and have them automatically call the specified number at a certain time.
Get all the details for FREE for Appointment Reminder
This module gives you the ability to have multiple parking lots for calls that can be handled right away and also automatically announces to your team that a call is in the parking lot.
Learn more for FREE about the Parking Pro module
Allows you to quickly view the voicemail greetings and settings for each user, see who needs to record greetings, and see who is set up to receive voicemail to email.
Learn more for FREE about the Voicemail Reports module
Pin Set Pro gives you access to an exportable call detail report and billable hours summary. This information is simple to generate and can be exported to your favorite spreadsheet application.
Learn more for FREE about the Pin Set Pro module
Wondering if there’s more to come? Of course. We will be introducing more Sangoma’s FreePBX modules in the next blog: VQ Plus, Conference Pro, High Availability Disaster Recovery and Class of Service. When it comes to security, you should never cut corners. Having something that you… Your March VoIP News Update is out now! This month we showcase an awesome…
It is certainly no secret that leading platforms such as Microsoft Teams have grown in… Over the years, we have seen several advancements in DECT technology, and with that,…
With all of this talk about tariffs, we wanted to provide you with some information… In today's world, security is one of the most important things to have for…