Sangoma University Adds New Badges
Sangoma introduced Sangoma University in 2017,online training courses, to help guide their resellers through all of the Sangoma knowledge needs.
Now Sangoma goes one step further, adding new badges to the program. These digital badges represent a learner’s skills and achievements earned by completing the course(s) within Sangoma University. Once you earned the badge(s), you will be able to collect and share your accomplishments in the digital backpack through Badgr!
What does Sangoma University offer?
- Online Technical and Sales Training Videos provide easy, self-paced instructions on Sangoma products, which allow for excellent visibility for people interested in Sangoma solutions.
- Classroom Technical Training provides direct and in-depth training that ensures full comprehension of the product, in addition to having one-on-one access to go beyond just knowledge and strive into learning from other’s experiences.
- Sangoma Certifications. Along with the Sangoma Training comes Sangoma Certifications. It will now be possible to mark your Online Training achievements with a certificate of Sangoma Certified Essentials. Two additional certification offerings will be provided with Classroom Training achievements, Sangoma Certified Apprentice and Sangoma Certified Professional.
Where do I access to Sangoma University?
Sangoma has already signed thier resellers up for Online Training. Please visit Sangoma University at
Are you interested in learning about Sangoma products? Don’t miss out this exciting new training program that helps you become a Sangoma-certified expert!