Q1: Is SMS only available while using SIP Station?
Answer: Either SIPStation or PBXact Cloud
Q2: Is there a way to hide the SMS button if you’re not using SIPSTATION?
Answer: If it is showing up, you need to disable it under the user or group in the Admin Panel
Q3: What is the charges for Zulu when not using PBXact?
Answer: The following can be stacked together to get the number you need. Ie. 40 users can purchase 2 x 20 user packs.
Q4: Is there an estimated date for the Beta period to end and the version release will be offered?
Answer: We are expecting to leave Beta in 4-6 weeks.
Q5: With the chat functionality being written on top of Let’s Chat, is the full API functionality of Let’s Chat available?
Answer: Good catch… I may not have heard of it, but that is what our devs are using. They think in the future they will have a documented API that you can use, but that is not a guarantee.
Q6: Can admins view interactions for other accounts, including previous calls, chats (including messages), etc.?
Answer: We do not have admin audibility at this time.
More Questions? Contact Brian Hyrek at bhyrek@voipsupply.com or 716-531-4318!
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