Realtime Review of Nimbuzz

May 15, 2008 by Garrett Smith

Nimbuzz: is it buzz worthy?


Taking a look at for the latest releases, I came across this little article. The piece talks about a beta program, Nimbuzz!, in the works to include VoIP services, IMing, Texting (SMS) and Chat all on a mobile phone.

What are even better are the investors of the program: “The company has received several million dollars in backing from venture capitalists, including $10 million from Mangrove Capital Partners, which was the original backer of Skype.”

Want even better news about this? Well, “With this new release, we now also have a genuine free mobile VoIP solution that works on more than 90 handsets including Nokia (NYSE: NOK), Samsung, and LG.”

One more thing about it: And I’m sure you will love this….ITS FREE!

So at this very moment I am downloading it, going to test it and will reply soon with a post on my findings.


I have tested this program out on my Facebook, MySpace and cell phone, and I have to say I am completely impressed. It is very easy installing the software, just as easy to log into it on your cell phone, and I have not noticed any bugs or issues as of yet.

One thing I did notice is the wide range of programs it will integrate with. Here are some just to name a few: Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Xing, Blogger, LiveJournal, Flicker, Ebay, Outlook, and many many more.

So I urge you to take a look and let me know what you think. It took about 30 minutes of my time to plug the applet into my personal areas, and it’s not difficult to figure out. If you decide to test it out I would be very interested in your thoughts good or bad.


IPCS Word of the Day: Compression

Compression = Compacting signal or data to lower bandwidth utilization.  Video JPEG frames can take up a ton of bandwidth on a network, so typically a compression mechanism is used to “shrink” the frames down to an acceptable file size which is more easily transported without hogging bandwidth.

Dash releases developer API for Dash Express Internet Connected GPS Nav System…Voice Mashups Anyone?

Dash Logo

TechCruch has a story this morning covering the release of an API program by Dash, creators of Dash Express, a unique, Internet Connected GPS Naviagation system.

Dash is already showcasing some cool applications on their blog, including a home search application from Coldwell Banker, a live, local weather app and a cool widget with some social media elements, that allows users to bookmark speedtraps and red light cameras in conjunction with

Voice 2.0 mashup guys, this should be “on your radar” so to speak…I can think of any number of voice enabled applications that could be developed using Dash’s API.

How about a voice app that calls you and let’s you know 15 minutes in advance of when your in-laws are arriving at your home based on their current Dash GPS locational data. (Hint: Pick them up a Dash Express GPS Nav unit for XMas!)

How about a button on my Dash GPS Nav unit that alerts road repair providers within a 10 mile radius when I press the button to indicate I have a flat tire or mechanical troubles, and initiates a call for service on my behalf.

GPS data and OSS telephony are two excellent ingredients for creating any number of useful applications and it is extremely cool to see companies like Dash opening up their GPS platform to 3rd partys. Have a cool idea for a GPS/VoIP Mashup? I’d love to hear about it.…If you are interested in more details on the Dash GPS API, there is not a ton of info on their website, but you can send an email to developer [at] dash [dot] net

Cisco / EDS Claim "Largest Enterprise VoIP Deployment Worldwide"

FierceVoIP recently covered a story concerning the deployment of Cisco’s Unified Communications platform and 10,000+ IP handsets by solution provider EDS for Bank of America.

EDS acquired by HP for $13.9 Billion

With EDS recently acquired by HP, this would seemingly make HP an instant player in the UC/VoIP space…and is an interesting development in a market where battle lines are being drawn between Cisco and Microsoft.

Cisco has been on a tear of late and is amassing a nice list of large customers, including Boise State University and University of Cambridge.

Many would argue that this is good news for the VoIP systems industry as a whole…but if you are a proponent of standards-based telephony, where SIP has emerged as the de facto protocol, you may have mixed emotions. Cisco has been somewhat reticent in opening up their proprietary SCCP platforms to allow for seamless interoperability with SIP.

Although Cisco does have a Third-party inter-op mechanism allowing the use of SIP endpoints with Cisco UC infrastructure, (i.e Callmanager) from a cost impact standpoint, Cisco’s “support” of third party SIP phones is somewhat misleading for the uninformed.

For most users, the appeal of using a Third-party SIP phone would likely be to escape the cost of license fees associated with Cisco’s IP phones. Cisco tacks on anywhere from $50 to several hundred dollars, per phone, in licensing when you purchase a “CH1” licensed Cisco phone, which is the appropriate licensing to be in compliance when using Callmanager.

If you refer to this link, look at table C-2, step 5 –

“Note Third-party SIP Device (Basic) supports one line and consumes three license units, and Third-party SIP Device (Advanced) supports up to eight lines and video, and consumes six license units.”

Even using a Third-party phone, the user must purchase Third-party licensing keys in order to register their phone with Callmanager, and the licensing is required in order to complete the SIP registration for the Third- party handset.

When I last checked, the licensing cost to implement a Grandstream GXP-2000 (an $80 phone) with a Callmanager deployment was an additional $300, which would bring the total cost of the handset to roughly $380.

Cisco defines a “Basic” Third-party VoIP phone as a phone supporting one line, and user must purchase (three) license units at $50/ea ($150 total) to deploy a “basic” phone. Since the GXP-2000 supports multiple lines, it would be considered an “Advanced” Third-party SIP phone, and requires (six) license units be purchased, at a total cost of $300.

A detailed overview of Third-party SIP licensing fees is here.

It is actually less attractive in the majority of cases, from a cost standpoint, to implement 3rd party SIP phones on Callmanager than it is to simply use proprietary Cisco phones when you factor in their extremely expensive licensing fees. I am sure this is completely by design. Just wanted to clarify this for your readers who are running Callmanager and are looking at using Third-party SIP phones.

Choosing a host server for Asterisk Open Source PBX

The right server for your Asterisk Open Source PBX

One of the primary considerations when deploying an open source PBX based upon Asterisk, trixbox, Elastix and other Open Source platforms is choosing a suitable PC or VoIP server to run the software on. Asterisk runs on a Linux footprint, and the availability of hardware drivers is not the foregone conclusion that it is in the Windows world.

Choosing a host server for Asterisk Open Source PBX

Other components such as CPU type and speed, amount of RAM, and hard drive type and size often leave users feeling confused. Choosing the right hardware, the correct Linux distribution, and the best installation method are key decisions when deploying an Open Source IP PBX.

If you are also going to be installing PCI TDM or PRI cards to connect your IP PBX to the PSTN, there are additional steps you need to take to ensure compatibility. Most vendors offer cards in PCI, PCI-X and PCI Express formats, and you will need to take a close look at the motherboard you intend to use before purchasing a Digium, Sangoma or Rhino card. Certain Digium cards require either 3V or 5V PCI slots, and also require hardware which is PCI 2.2 compliant…so a little homework is often required.

If you intend to use Asterisk, you are also going to need to choose which version of Linux you want to use. There are literally hundreds of Linux distros you “could” run Asterisk on, but some are more popular and certainly better documented and supported than others.

The usual suspects include RedHat, CentOS, Fedora, Debian and Knoppix. To get a better idea as to the sheer number of Linux flavors out there, head over to There is really no “right answer” when choosing a Linux distribution. If you spend any amount of time poking around Asterisk-related forums online, you’ll hear many voices trumpeting the virtues of various Linux flavors of the month. A safe choice might be RedHat, Fedora or CentOS.

Trixbox, an alternative to the official Asterisk Open Source PBX project presided over by Digium, uses CentOS as its base Linux distribution, and can be installed using an ISO, as opposed to first installing a Linux footprint and then applying the Asterisk application on top of that. Switchvox, AsteriskNow and PBXInAFlash are also available as single ISO installs, which are typically easier to deal with for those without a ton of Linux administration experience.

Next, you need to choose whether to purchase a preconfigured PC or server from a tier 1 manufacturer such as Dell, HP or IBM….or to roll up your sleeves and build your own server from raw components. Again, this is a matter of personal choice and your own comfort level in dealing with technology. Traditional vendors like Dell offer more support and easier mechanisms for replacing failed hardware components or entire servers. If you are a gearhead, you might opt to roll your own. Reliable, telco-grade server components are available from Supermicro and a variety of “white box” vendors.

Asterisk host server

Choosing a proper CPU, sufficient RAM and hard drive(s) is next. There are no hard and fast guidelines here. has a nice collection of data related to Asterisk server dimensioning. The amount of horsepower you will need depends upon your application and your tolerance for risk, so to speak. For a typical small business, the “PRI and Under Crowd” as I like to refer to it….a good baseline for server dimensioning would probably look like this:

• Single Intel Pentium 4 or Dual Core CPU, or AMD Equivalent CPU
• 1 or 2GB or RAM (More won’t hurt, and RAM is pretty darn cheap these days)
• Single 80GB SATA Hard Drive (Adding a second, third or fourth drive also won’t hurt. Adding RAID redundancy is also a suggested option)
• Dual 10/100/1000 Ethernet NIC Cards
• Power Supply (Many server manufacturers offer an option for redundant power supplies, which offer further redundancy and protection against downtime)
• Appropriate PCI, PCI-X or PCI Express slot(s) to house the TDM or PRI interconnect cards (Digium, Sangoma, Rhino) you intend to use.

If your business is larger, having more employees (users), and therefore more “concurrent” call volume, and you expect to be doing anything out of the ordinary such as….

• Call Recording
• Transcoding
• Software Echo Cancellation

….you will need to add horsepower to ensure that you have satisfactory system resources to handle the load. Enabling features such as Call Recording, transcoding between VoIP codecs, or using software-based echo cancellation (versus dedicated hardware DSP-based echo cancellation) will tax the resources of your server, and can lead to QoS and overall performance issues if not carefully planned for from a hardware architecture standpoint.

Asterisk, trixbox, Elastix and other technologies offer tremendous promise for overall business productivity enhancement and ROI if deployed in a proper manner. My advice is to do some solid research in advance….and ultimately don’t skimp on the quality or robustness of your server hardware.

If you unsure simply pick up the phone and call a vendor or reseller. VoIP Supply offers a wide range of host server appliances for Asterisk or trixbox. We also offer customized PC and server solutions, built to your specification, from leading vendors including Dell and SuperMicro. Companies such as Fonality, Rhino Equipment and PhoneBochs also offer specialized server appliances developed for use with trixbox and other OOS platforms.

More from: Asterisk Garrett Smith

The Devastating Mic-controller DJ Grandmaster Philly–Phil

May 13, 2008 by Garrett Smith

Coming at you live from the Sales B-Blog Booth spinnin’ and scratchin’ the Greatest Hits in IP Telephony History

“Party people put your paws together
and bring it on home no matter what the weather

Party people put your hands in the air
and dial like you just don’t care”

Yes, they’re all here!!

Available for a limited time only on cd, vinyl, cassette, or my favorite, the 8-TRACK.

  1. Call Me – Blondie
  2. Operator – Jim Croce
  3. Here’s a Quarter (Call Someone Who Cares) – Travis Tritt
  4. As Soon as I Hang Up the Phone – Loretta Lynn & Conway Twitty (Get the handkerchief out)
  5. 867-5309 (Jenny) – Tommy Tutone
  6. Broken Telephone – The Be-Good Tanyas (Think go3 Warranty)
  7. London Calling – The Clash
  8. Pennsylvania 6-5000 – Glenn Miller & His Orchestra (Rockin’ it old-school)
  9. Long Distance Call – Muddy Waters
  10. Hello My Baby – Frog J. Michigan (19th century telephony hip-hop)

Am I remiss in my selections? Let me know! Reply to this blog now or forever hold your Peace-out.

Props to your POTS lines!

What Defines Success?

May 12, 2008 by Ben Sayers

What’s your definition of success?

Everyone defines success differently. How about you? Particularly as a business owner and entrepreneur, this topic comes up quite frequently. The related question that also comes up is to ask when enough is enough. The two are actually directly related within my definition of success as there is no end point, only milestones.

Success is the company as a whole:

  • The culture: Creating a work environment where the staff is happy and excited to come to work, proud of their accomplishments, and able to build their own career path to follow. Work is work but does not need to be a dreaded destination, which should be left to the dentists. Receiving feedback from the staff letting me know that they enjoy their job and work environment and receiving awards such as Best Place to Work in WNY are affirmations that the building of the desired culture has been successful.
  • The people: Building strong and self sufficient teams of highly skilled and devoted employees is one of the goals. Finding “diamonds in the rough” is another component of success through people as it related to building a successful company. While there is no end to the search for high quality employees, the staff we have allow the company to feel as though it has been successful in this aspect of business.
  • The customers: Happy customers, repeat business, referrals from accounts, feedback highlighting staff assistance, and a continuously expanding customer base indicate that we have been successful in this area. Thousands of new customers each month and dozens of emails highlighting our performance prove that we have been successful with our customers.
  • The growth: Internal growth and improvements combined with overall company growth of customers, employees, revenue and profits are significant reminders that we have built a very successful company with a desire for a continuous effort to improve and be even more successful down the line.
  • The dominance: Viewing the competitive landscape and doing so from a dominant position in the marketplace is a level of success that we enjoy today. While there are many more competitors than a year ago, we have been successful in maintaining a majority stake of the overall online retail sales of VoIP hardware.
  • The profitability: Many young companies never reach profitability and just as many tech companies continue to grow, yet do so running in the red. It has been exciting to see our company grow and do so profitably and for businesses, this is a huge sign of success.
  • Enough is never enough: While there are exit plans and strategies, within my definition of success, any exit is designed to create multiple new entrance points into the next opportunity to build something successful.
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