IPCS Word(s) of the Day: Interlaced Scan

June 4, 2008 by Garrett Smith

Interlaced Scan = The process whereby each frame of a picture is created by first scanning half of the lines and then scanning the second set of lines, which are interleaved between the first to complete the picture. Each half is referred to as a field…two fields comprise a frame. Interlaced scan is common in analog surveillance cameras.

Women in VoIP Continues…DIDX Mastermind Suzanne Bowen

June 3, 2008 by Garrett Smith
Women in VoIP continues…I told you there are more than a few!  Next up is Suzanne Bowen, CEO at Super Technologies, Inc., commonly known as DIDX.  Anyone who knows DIDX, instantly knows Suzanne.  Suzanne has been involved in VoIP as a hobby since 1995, when she used it as a teacher in her middle school language arts gifted studies class as a learning tool.  In 1999, she officially went corporate.
What is it like working as a woman in the VoIP world?
Just a tiny percentage of women are CXOs in the global VoIP world, and I could describe it with my revision of Gandhi’s quote: “at first, they will ignore you, then they may laugh a bit, then they may debate/fight with you, but hey, hang in there and be a winner.” By “win” I mean just have the aplomb to know that “gender,” “size,” “hair color,” “level of technical expertise,” and other characteristics have little to do with success or the lack of it in any industry. On the other hand, I’m inspired by other women in the industry such as Karen Campagna of Cisco’s leadership skills, Brooke Afick of Bezeq’s tenacity, Susana Etcheverry of JetNumbers’ efficiency, and Debbie Grasso of McLeod/Paetec’s out-of-the-box thinking.
How did you become interested/introduced to VoIP?
Experimentation during classes I taught in Century, Fla. and seeing the power that it places in the users’ hands, even in the hands of 11-13 year olds, in the form of a less expensive, super feature-rich, and mash-up inspiring tool. Rehan Ahmed (our CTO and President) and Herman Dewitt (a South African banker) were two of the first to collaborate with me in the research back in 1995.
What are some of your networking/marketing methods?
Let me make a list: blogging, commenting on blogs, press releases, sponsoring and exhibiting at global conferences (See http://www.didx.net/events/), video interviews of current and potential customers, suppliers, and industry-related companies, where it’s all about them, not us…DIDX dinner parties, blogger breakfasts, Facebook, LinkedIn, Oser, TMCnet.com, and the Asterisk community.
How is it working with men in VoIP?
I’m a positive thinker, so let me highlight some really cool guys in the VoIP industry. Jim VanMeggelen, wise think-tanker and president of Core Telecom Innovations and an author of Asterisk, the Future of Telephony; Rehan Ahmed of Super Technologies’ inventive mind; Rich Tehrani, VoIP’s most welcoming enabler and promoter of innovation; Muneeb Iqbal of Super Technologies’ example of excellent mega-multi-tasking with a smile; James Body of Truphone’s gift of speaking and humor; Arfeen Muhammad of Super Technologies’ calm in the face of anything; Philip Mobin of Jaxtr’s ability to inspire those who work for him and with him; and Sergey Okhapkin of Callwithus’s non-nonsense sage ability to solve anything in VoIP in a heartbeat. Wow, there are so many great men in VoIP…so that’s just a start.
What do you see for the future of women in VoIP?
Can I change the question to the future of VoIP because of women’s participation? They tend to know how to “evangelize” upon the actual empowering uses of VoIP without mentioning the term and without all the technical jargon and acronyms. That’s what sells.

VoIP Supply Speeds Into Sale with Joe Gibbs Racing

NASCAR racing team purchases VoIP phone system, shows major companies buying into VoIP

VoIP Supply has supplied a VoIP phone system to NASCAR leader, Joe Gibbs Racing out of North Carolina. Joe Gibbs Racing purchased a complete IP based phone system solution from VoIP Supply, comprised of equipment from leading manufacturers such as Aastra, Rhino Equipment and Sangoma Technologies.

Joe Gibbs Racing, the home of NASCAR superstars Tony Stewart and Kyle Busch has joined the trend of major companies switching to VoIP technology. As the team continues to ignite the racing world on the track, they will be leading the pack off the track, thanks to an IP-based phone system solution that will allow the company to lower costs, increase productivity and allow them to scale their telecommunications infrastructure as they grow.

Benjamin P. Sayers, President and CEO of VoIP Supply, is excited that VoIP technology use is expanding rapidly in all sorts of businesses and industries.”Whether it is a racing team, a school, or a corporate headquarters, VoIP technology is allowing for the best telecommunications experience, and saving organizations plenty of valuable resources.

IP Camera Catches Bills Running Back Marshawn Lynch’s Porsche in Hit and Run.

The Buffalo Police Department is investigating a hit-and-run accident involving an SUV registered to Buffalo Bills’ running back Marshawn Lynch. According to a Buffalo Police Department spokesman it remains unclear whether the running back was in the SUV when it struck and injured a female pedestrian at approximately 3:30 a.m. Saturday in the Chippewa Entertainment District. Lynch is not known to have been in the vehicle. Now you are probably wondering what this has to do with IP Cameras…well a lot. You see Buffalo recently installed IP Cameras in that area of downtown as an on going initiative to make the streets safer after hours. The accident occurred right below the installed IP Camera. The woman who was injured in the incident has since been released from a local hospital. Lynch was Buffalo’s first-round pick in the 2007 draft out of California and has seen a meteoric rise on the field.

Could this be Marshawn’s future? We certainly hope not. But the truth is always in the tape on and off the field.

IP Camera Catches Bills Running Back Marshawn Lynch’s Porsche in Hit and Run.

The Buffalo Police Department is investigating a hit-and-run accident involving an SUV registered to Buffalo Bills’ running back Marshawn Lynch. According to a Buffalo Police Department spokesman it remains unclear whether the running back was in the SUV when it struck and injured a female pedestrian at approximately 3:30 a.m. Saturday in the Chippewa Entertainment District. Lynch is not known to have been in the vehicle. Now you are probably wondering what this has to do with IP Cameras…well a lot. You see Buffalo recently installed IP Cameras in that area of downtown as an on going initiative to make the streets safer after hours. The accident occurred right below the installed IP Camera. The woman who was injured in the incident has since been released from a local hospital. Lynch was Buffalo’s first-round pick in the 2007 draft out of California and has seen a meteoric rise on the field.

Could this be Marshawn’s future? We certainly hope not. But the truth is always in the tape on and off the field.

IPCS Word of the Day: Housing

Housing= Special covering or container to protect a camera from extreme temperatures or weather conditions. Some housings are manufacturer specific. Other companies, notably Dotworkz, Pelco and VideoAlarm manufacture ‘universal’ housings and enclosures, designed to work with cameras from a range of vendors.

VoIP Supply in CRN

June 2, 2008 by Garrett Smith

I had the opportunity to be interviewed by CRN magazine in regards to the booming VoIP reseller marketplace in the face of reports that the VoIP industry, as a whole, was slowing.

You can read the entire article here, but in essence, the marketplace is changing and with this newest wave of business consumers, the demands on VoIP solution providers is changing, which has caused a bit of a lag in industry growth as resellers “figure out” how to best deal with these new customers.

This new wave of business consumer requires more education than their predecessors and it is causing deals to take a bit longer to complete, pushing out sales cycles. Here at VoIP Supply, we recognized this trend late last year and have taken numerous steps to bolster our consumer education efforts (including this blog, but look for more from us on this front very soon).

So, if you are a VoIP reseller and you are reading this, I would love to hear your thoughts on what your experience is with this latest wave? Are they similar to mine or different?

Craigslist hates VoIP, Prepaid Cellular, Spammers….

Craigslist hates VoIP

Not sure how I missed this, I like to think of myself as being on top of the industry but I just came across this over the weekend.

Craigslist.org, the popular free classified ad site, has been at war with spammers for some time. According to some reports, 90+% of ads in some categories are generated by spambots. Craigslist has deployed countermeasures including CAPTCHA and other techniques, but spammers have quickly evolved their techniques to sidestep them.

A few months back, Craiglist instituted a telephone verification process that places an automated outbound call to a user placing a classified ad in certain categories. The call delivers a unique code using text to speech, which is then used by the poster to authenticate the ad they are placing.

This is an effective measure for dealing with spam, and a great thing for legitimizing the Craigslist user experience….but not so great if you are a Craigslist user and you also happen to be a VoIP or prepaid cellular user.

The problem is that Craigslist is categorically blocking legitimate VoIP and Pre-paid cellular users from authenticating themselves.

The phone verification process is fairly straight forward. When you place an ad in many categories on Craigslist, you are presented with the form below.

Craigslist blocks most VoIP phone numbers, including those from services like Grand Central and Tossable Digits. This is an apparent broad stroke to counter the use of such services by spammers to game Craigslist’s voice verification.

Craig’s uses a 3rd party service, ReduceFraud.com to screen out VoIP and Pre-paid cellular numbers, and will not deliver an automated verification call to a number that is determined to be such. (Since only SPAMMERS use VoIP and Pre-Paid Cellular!!!) What sophisticated algorithm does ReduceFraud.com use to identify VoIP numbers, you ask? They check the DID number to see who owns the NPA NXX X number block, and if the DID number is owned by Level 3 Communications, they classify it as VoIP of course. Whizbang!

Coincidentally, ReduceFraud.com is owned and operated by a CA firm called Telecentrex, who offers their own hosted VoIP service.

Amazingly, this has created a business opportunity for resourceful entrepreneurs. Literally dozens of services have popped up offering everything from VoIP DID Numbers that Craigslist classifies as Fixed Lines, to pre-authenticated Craigslist user accounts, to full-blown Craigslist Super Spammer Software Packages.

I even found programming requsts on e-Lance, Rentacoder and GetaFreeLanceer.com
offering to pay for workarounds.

I would love to find out which service provider Craigslist is using to delivery their automated outbound verification calls. It would be cost-prohibitive to incure circuit-switched LD charges to deliver all those millions of calls…..VoIPMonitor estimated nearly 24 million VoIP users by 2008 (i.e 24 Million frustrated, would-be Craigslist users)…..I would not be surprised to learn that the provider was leveraging VoIP to send these very same outbound verification calls. Now wouldn’t that be ironic?

Women in VoIP Series: The ISDN Goddess

Continuing with my Women in VoIP Series, I’d like to introduce you all to Helen Robison (in case you haven’t heard of her before, whom I’m sure you have!). Helen works as the Director of Product Development for Clarus Systems, Inc., and has been working in the telecommunications industry for over 20 years, VoIP for 10. You may also know of her as the “ISDN Goddess.”

What is your VoIP industry history?

After finishing university with a degree in chemical engineering, I experimented with different careers in academia, medicine, etc. such that my parents feared I was in danger of becoming a professional student. Under their suggestion to “get a job,” I accepted an assembly language programming job at a startup company that manufactured telecom equipment for small service providers. Several startups later, I had become a PSTN protocol expert (e.g. T1 / E1 ISDN BRI and PRI) working on a fiber optic network solution to upgrade the telephony infrastructure for the newly-unified Germany where ISDN was the only economic option.

In 1994, an opportunity arose for me to join Cisco Systems where my VoIP journey began several years later. Cisco was very attracted to my service provider network and software development experience. My official indoctrination to VoIP was in 1998, as a senior software development engineer working on the Cisco access router software which terminated Internet data and modem voice calls from the PSTN ISDN network and sent them over IP. The newly-created Cisco Access BU decided to create a voice gateway – terminating human voice calls from the PSTN and sending them over IP. My expertise in ISDN Q.931 proved useful as part of the development team since the VoIP H.225 protocol is essentially ISDN Q.931 over IP.

I very much enjoyed working with my male coworkers. Many of them in customer support would seek me out to leverage my ISDN and voice expertise. I still remember the thrill of receiving a call from one developer noting he was calling me for the first time over VoIP using the software I’d help create.

In 2000, I moved from software development to technical marketing in service provider solutions engineering. During this period, I worked on service provider solutions such as transit VoIP, and hosted or managed business voice with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM). I also began critical work investigating issues around voice quality in complex hybrid PSTN – IP networks.

It’s amazing to think back now how the industry used to only consider delay and jitter, ignoring causes of echo and the need to design networks for minimal packet loss. I wrote technical papers and magazine articles, gave a lot (too many!) talks, and applied for several patents.

Before departing Cisco recently to join Clarus Systems as director of product management, I was product manager for a service provider solution for intercompany TelePresence – an immersive, ultra-ultra high quality voice and video IP-based service between different enterprises.

What is it like working as a woman in the VoIP world?

During my tenure in VoIP, I have seen perhaps one woman to every 20 men working in this market, and have often been in meetings where I was the only women in a room of 50 to 100 men. At times, there have been some personality conflicts which may have been gender related, but for the most part I viewed my male colleagues as a band of brothers. Occasionally, I would feel left out of “boys’ night out” events. On the whole, I believe that many of these VoIP colleagues would have welcomed more women into the fray.

In fact, I built up so much mutual respect with my co-workers that I was affectionately given the moniker of “ISDN Goddess.” Since I was helping many of the sales engineers with customer issues, they started addressing their emails to me with “Dear ISDN Goddess, can you help…?” It was flattering at meetings and trade shows to have both male and female colleagues come up to me and comment how they always wanted to meet the “ISDN Goddess” in person.

What are some of your networking/marketing methods?

Trade shows have always been a good source of networking but social networking sites, many of which are integrating VoIP or related technologies, are emerging as well. I can recall many times at a trade show being mistaken for the trade show coordinator when in fact I was the sole domain expert. ‘Booth babes’ aside, I was always of the mindset that, to be taken seriously as a thought leader, it was always important to dress like a professional and not go too trendy. It is key to pay attention to your appearance so you are perceived and respected for your knowledge and expertise.

How is it working with men in VoIP?

Being a woman in a male-dominated industry has not given me any special advantages, especially as a single parent with a teenager. I always admired Cisco’s telecommuting program because the company respected the fact that you have lives outside of the work walls and were in tune to the need to work specific hours from whatever location.

I remember once presenting to our global sales force at a meeting in Amsterdam where I was the only women presenting a session on VoIP and related quality and traffic issues. I had the highest rated talk with the most valuable information – I am proud of that achievement. I was later asked to give the same talk to Tier1 service provider customers and my session was extended from one to four hours due to the intense interest. That experience demonstrated to me that Cisco had the confidence too in me — not as a woman in an all male forum — but as an expert with domain knowledge.

What do you see for the future of women in VoIP?

In product management, especially related to voice service management, it is rare that women hold these positions and sometimes it is challenging to gain thought leadership and credibility due to industry preconceptions over specific roles. In fact, I fell right into such a situation. I was at a hospital and saw a woman in a white lab coat and didn’t look at her badge. I assumed she was a nurse but in fact was the doctor. I apologized profusely and vowed not to make that assumption in the future for anyone.

In terms of the future of women in VoIP, I see it more broadly as the future of women in collaboration technology. VoIP has evolved into an integrated part of multimedia IP that encompasses voice, video, data and an overall collaborative experience empowered by unified communications. Today, we use what were VoIP deployments for IP-based voice, instant messaging, or multimedia calls utilizing presence information. Given the enormous potential in this emerging technology, the market should encourage more women to get involved. I hope that my tenure in VoIP will serve as an inspiration for other women to become more involved in technology overall. To any woman considering entering this field, I’d say; “Come on in, the water is fine!”

Go On Take the Money and Run!!!!

Wooo!!! Wooo!!! Wooo!!!

These are the classic lyrics from Take the Money and Run by the Steve Miller Band. Again, with me, it all goes back to a “bad jam.”

Often times this statement is the mantra and raison d’être for so many of my counterparts across the country who are in sales.

How many times have you had work done on your house, bought a new car or home, bought a new personal computer, or purchased some new audio/visual components for your family room or home theatre? We’ve all been there, right? Now how many times has the contractor or salesperson who sold you the goods or services called you back and checked if you are satisfied with your purchase? Off the top of my head I cannot think of any of my representatives with whom I’ve done business with over the years that have ever called me to check on my satisfaction. If I was not happy with something, usually I have to call them.

In other words, these folks took the money and ran!

For a person is sales, I would argue it all comes down to your mindset. I usually “plead the fifth.” Not the Fifth Amendment; the “fifth call.”

I will be calling you back a minimum of five times over the next 1-3 weeks after the sale to make sure of the following and provide this information:

  • Your order is shipping and to provide you with tracking
  • Your order was received with the correct product, complete, in-tact, and undamaged from shipping
  • To verify if you have all data sheets, install guides and related links to successfully deploy
  • To get your feedback on the deployment as to further my knowledge of the product and provide you with additional support if necessary
  • To thank you for doing business with my company and reiterate my availability and desire to help you in the future

For those of you in sales, consider the benefits of what I just shared with you the next time you stuff your pocket and wave bye-bye.

For those of you dissatisfied with your current suppliers of any service or goods, ask yourself who asks you this question? How can I help you today and tomorrow?

Give me a call at extension 1992 or write me an e-mail at [email protected]. It would be my pleasure.

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