One of my favorite blogs had a post today about the merging of the emerging with the ordinary in the voice world.
For a few years now, we have all been touting the promise of Voice 2.0, the death of the PSTN and the revolution that is upon us, yet to date, this new wave has not come crashing down on the traditional voice world with the might that one might think. It isn’t for a lack of trying, but mainly from a lack of a focused vision.
The telecommunications entrepreneurs who have created the greater vision for what Voice 2.0 is have done so in an attempt to free people from the gripes of the traditional phone company and enable us to do more with voice. The problem, though, is there enough of us out there to be enabled?
When you talk with entrepreneurs about creating something to offer to a market, one of the things they always say is to create something that you would use, because chances are, there are other out there with the same need. When it comes to telephony and Voice 2.0, I am not quite sure, at this time, there are enough people out there who want to be enabled to do more with voice. It is tough for the 1% to convince the 99%.
This brings me back to the iLocus post and the merging of the emerging with the ordinary. Although JR sees a future for Voice 2.0 companies without the need for traditional services, I do not. At least not for the foreseeable future, because there just is not enough demand for the masses to support the continued growth and that is why these companies are looking to merge their offerings with traditional ones – consumer demand!
The technology life cycle is a tricky thing. Some cycles move fast, some move slower. It isn’t that Voice 2.0 holds no promise, it is that the innovation is happening faster than the mass market demand for said innovations. In a sense, we, as an industry, have innovated, for innovations sake and made services we would use, but forgot about those who aren’t like us – the great majority. Now forced to wait until the catch-up, many are finding that the only way to build a sustainable business is to simply offer what is that customer really want: the ordinary.