Truphone for iPhone Non Review

July 15, 2008 by Garrett Smith

Having recently endured the painful process of updating my 1st generation iPhone to Apple’s 2.0 firmware revision, I was excited to test out a native VoIP client.

I downloaded TruPhone’s free client from the appstore, and installed it. Setup was as simple as filling our a short form on the phone. Note: Don’t misstype your mobile number in the setup form….TruPhone does not give you the opportunity to modify it if you enter it incorrectly. In this case, I fat fingered one of the digits, but there was no way for me to go back and correct it. I had to uninstall the TruPhone client and then resync/reinstall it.

The final step in activating the TruPhone service on your iPhone is to authenticate your account by receiving an inbound verification call from TruPhone, and entering a 4-digit PIN number that you chose during the original client setup.

This is where I hit a brick wall. For some reason, I am unable to receive the verification call from TruPhone. When I attempt to initiate the verification call from TruPhone, after about a minute, I get a message that reads “Sorry, we could not detect your security PIN. Did your voicemail answer the call?”

My voicemail did indeed answer the call, as for some reason the TruPhone verification calls will not ring through on my iPhone. They go directly into my voicemail. I have no issues receiving inbound calls from any other originating numbers, and they ring through fine.

I filled out a support request ticket and am waiting to hear back from TruPhone.

Anyone having a positive experience using TruPhone’s mobile VoIP client on their iPhone?

FCC Chair Kevin Martin Scolds Comcast for P2P Tomfoolery

July 13, 2008 by Garrett Smith

John Paczowski over at AllThingsD reports on the FCC’s pending action against Comcast for violation of net neutrality pricinciples in blocking P2P filesharing traffic.

The problem with “principles” is that they pre-suppose integrity, which is not an integral component of capitalism. Comcast will almost certainly mount a legal appeal to any action taken by the FCC, since there is no body of legislation laying out a framework and accountability for net neutrality.

From WSJ:

“You can’t enforce this because there aren’t any rules,” said Comcast spokeswoman Sena Fitzmaurice. “It violates all sorts of due processes in the way you are supposed to create rules.”

Guest Blog: Asterisk Rides the Train

July 11, 2008 by Garrett Smith

I have chosen Asterisk for many reasons. First was the lower cost, but once I had it running and tested I found it to have many more features than I could imagine.Ā  When I first started with Asterisk it was my first introduction to any telephony system at all, everything was learned for this one project, also known as my family’s business, Art Knapp Plantland.

I have had Asterisk running for well over two years, learning more every time I look at it.Ā  Once I had all the basics setup and functioning, I had some ideas to tryout and see what I could make work.Ā  One of those ideas was an automated timer system for our ride-on train.

Here at work, we have a ride-on train that goes through our nursery.Ā  The announcement system for this has gone through many revisions, starting with our cashiers making manual announcements following a timer, and then I made some recordings that were manually started following the timer.Ā  Both those attempts worked to a degree, but if it was busy the times would be off.Ā  Then I modified it so the cashiers could start the timer on a phone, and the three calls for boarding times (10 minutes, 5 minutes and 1 minute) would all go on their own.

If the driver asks how many minutes are remaining, they don’t usually know, so I made a script that checks the time and reads back the number of minutes before the train should leave.

Technically, the system works like this.Ā  Our phones are all connected to our overhead paging system.Ā  When the cashiers sell tickets, they dial an extension that launches an AGI script.Ā  That script first checks if a call is in progress or not.Ā  If there is not call it will copy three call files to the /tmp directory, touch them in the future based on the time they should be announced, move them to the /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing directory, then announce it was successful.Ā  Asterisk will then play them in sequence when the time is right.Ā  The time-checking script first gets the system time, and compares it against the time the one-minute call is scheduled to go, calculates the minutes, and reads it back.Ā  Quite simple really.

More from: Asterisk Garrett Smith

VoIP Supply Selects to Deliver Total Business VoIP Solutions, Strengthens End-to-End Offerings With Partnership

July 10, 2008 by Garrett Smith

VoIP Supply announced today that it has selected to provide voice and data services for its end-to-end phone system solutions for small and medium-sized businesses. In selecting, VoIP Supply will now be able to offer businesses complete nationwide advanced Internet, VoIP, network and wireless services in addition to its current phone system and VoIP hardware offerings. The partnership, VoIP Supply’s first with a voice and data service provider, represents a strategic investment in the delivery of complete telephony solutions to the small medium business marketplace; allowing the company to further solidify itself as a market leader “with everything you need for VoIP.”

“After weighting a couple of options, we found the right partner in Its business culture, offerings and customer-centric approach aligned perfectly with ours,” stated Benjamin P. Sayers, CEO at VoIP Supply. “As more businesses consider the switch to IP-based phone systems,’s flexible and affordable offerings will allow VoIP Supply to be uniquely positioned within the marketplace to help small businesses realize greater cost savings, increased productivity, and painless user management with their VoIP deployments.”

“We are very excited about our partnership with VoIP Supply,” said Henry Kaestner Co-founder and Chairman of “VoIP Supply is a true leader in the business telecom industry with a commitment to excellence that is readily apparent in all aspects of their business from corporate culture to the way they treat their customers. We believe that this new one-stop shop approach to all things VoIP, from hardware to service, is exactly what businesses are looking for. We look forward to exceeding customer expectations in as give them better telecom functionality and quality, all while saving them money.”

Guest Post: Asterisk Providing Pizza Delivery?

July 9, 2008 by Garrett Smith


Ok, admit it, you like the Domino’s new online “Pizza Tracker.” If you haven’t heard of it, It is a Flash application that tracks the status of your pizza order as it flows through the steps from the initial order, preparation, baking in the oven, being boxed, and out for delivery. See:

While waiting for an order the other day I thought, what could top that? The system should call us when the pizza is out for delivery! No longer do you need to stare at the progress meter on your computer while waiting when you could be in the pool, watching a game with friends, or beating your kids in a game on the Wii. I figured I only had roughly 30 minutes to get this working, so let’s get cracking.

Watching the flash application make web requests in Firebug pointed me to the source of the status. All it does is pass your phone number on to a web page and it returns an XML structure with the data needed. The data includes timestamps of each step in the process, durations in the current step, the person who took your order, how long you were on the phone with them, the store manager’s name, etc. Plenty of data to provide some metrics to their corporate office, plus the information we need to send out the alerts.

How does the pizza tracker notification work you ask? Well it is made up of two components. The first component, a Perl script, runs every minute or so from Cron checking the online order status for the numbers we are tracking and generating calls for those out for delivery. The second component, the Asterisk dial plan, allows you to call an extension and set up the pizza tracker for a number and check the order progress.

It is by no means a complete application but it was fun to write, and seems functional enough to use. I’m sure there are tons of uses for something similar to this. One such use could be an airline notification system that notifies limousine drivers’ cell phones when their clients’ planes land. What is your next cool Asterisk project?

More from: Asterisk Garrett Smith

Ribbit Jumps on BT Acquisition Offer

Techcrunch reports that Mountain View, CA voice 2.0 platform company Ribbit has been acquired by British Telecom (BT) for a modest $55 million.

Ribbit’s main service offering is called Amphibian, and offers a variety of personal call management features with web + mobile + social network integration.

Ribbit also spawned an API and corresponding developer platform and offered an open and freely downloadable version of their Ribbit API, which uses Flash via Adobe Flex Builder.

Ribbit aimed to create an ā€œiTunesā€-like ecosystem with their Ribbit Store, the idea being to allow developers to distribute and monetize applications built using the Ribbit API.

Ribbit showcased several clever applications built using AIR and their Ribbit API. One application emulates the look, feel and some of the functionality of the Apple iPhone, the other is a very artistic take on the softphone called ChalkboardPhone.

BT is reportedly looking to leverage Ribbit to compete with Grandcentral, which was bought by Google just over a year ago for a similar price. The Google/Grandcentral acquisition likely served as a valuation benchmark for Ribbit. Congratulations to co-founders Ted Griggs, Crick Waters and Peter Leong.

IPCS Word(s) of the Day: SD Card

July 7, 2008 by Garrett Smith

SD Card= A flash memory card that provides storage on some IP cameras, digital cameras, cellphones and PDAs. SD Cards use the same 32x24mm form factor as the MultiMediaCard (MMC), but are slightly thicker (2.1mm vs. 1.4mm), and SD Card readers accept both formats. Introduced in 1999 by Panasonic, Toshiba and SanDisk, cards up to 4GB are available.

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