Truphone for iPhone Non Review
Having recently endured the painful process of updating my 1st generation iPhone to Apple’s 2.0 firmware revision, I was excited to test out a native VoIP client.
I downloaded TruPhone’s free client from the appstore, and installed it. Setup was as simple as filling our a short form on the phone. Note: Don’t misstype your mobile number in the setup form….TruPhone does not give you the opportunity to modify it if you enter it incorrectly. In this case, I fat fingered one of the digits, but there was no way for me to go back and correct it. I had to uninstall the TruPhone client and then resync/reinstall it.
The final step in activating the TruPhone service on your iPhone is to authenticate your account by receiving an inbound verification call from TruPhone, and entering a 4-digit PIN number that you chose during the original client setup.
This is where I hit a brick wall. For some reason, I am unable to receive the verification call from TruPhone. When I attempt to initiate the verification call from TruPhone, after about a minute, I get a message that reads “Sorry, we could not detect your security PIN. Did your voicemail answer the call?”
My voicemail did indeed answer the call, as for some reason the TruPhone verification calls will not ring through on my iPhone. They go directly into my voicemail. I have no issues receiving inbound calls from any other originating numbers, and they ring through fine.
I filled out a support request ticket and am waiting to hear back from TruPhone.
Anyone having a positive experience using TruPhone’s mobile VoIP client on their iPhone?