Demystifying Linksys Part Numbers
SD. RV0. SPA. ABC..DEF…ugh.
If you are like me, you probably want to pull your hair out when confronted by the alphabet soup of product names that today’s manufacturers cook-up. Well, before you go and stock up on Rogaine, let’s take a look at demystifying at least one manufacturer’s part numbers – Linksys.
Demystifying Linksys Part Numbers
The funniest thing about product names is that on the surface they don’t seem to make much sense until you actually learn what the name conventions mean. Then, ironically, they are actually pretty easy to understand and remember. Now, if you are not a “power user” like me, the following information probably won’t help you much unless you save this as a reference (please do), so don’t feel like you have to pull an all-nighter to retain this information. However, if you do find yourself working with the Linksys product line often, it might me smart to spend a few minutes learning the information below.