Xorcom Astribanks Now Available

March 16, 2010 by Garrett Smith

PSTN Connectivity and Failover Solution For Asterisk

Open source based VoIP and telephony solution continue to grow in popularity with businesses of all sizes.

Blending flexibility with low cost, open source based systems have enabled many a business to take advantage of the greater benefits of IP communications. Though, flexible, low cost and packed with features, open source based solutions also come with their own set of concerns and hurdles.

Two of the most common concerns that come up when discussing open source based solutions are PSTN connectivity and failover. Both of which are address quite nicely by the Xorcom product line.

More from: Asterisk Garrett Smith

Multimedia Phone Roundup

January 28, 2010 by Garrett Smith

We are all accustomed to having the ability to send and receive emails, browse the web to visit our favorite sports site or to check up on the weather, download leisurely and productive apps, and let’s not forgot updating your facebook status, tweeting to your friends about cool VoIP Multimedia phones, and confirming your colleague’s friend request on linkedIN.

Yes, this is something we all do on an everyday basis and we have grown accustomed to having this freedom at our fingertips. To the Voice over IP world, these necessities as we call them and that we take for granted, haven’t really met our needs until now!!!

The whole revolution of Multimedia phones came about back in early 2009 where we seen our first multimedia phone’s coming to market.

These have built in XML features that allow them to communicate via the web to your favorite website (such as the ones mentioned above). Another cool feature we are seeing on almost every multimedia phone is the ability to customize your settings, background images, even the phones appearance with “skins” to cover its boring outer appearance.

Also most multimedia phones have built in hardware to support Bluetooth headsets, WiFI for Wireless LAN connectivity so you can move around anywhere in the office without running any extra Ethernet cables or drops, Electronic Hookswitch Support or EHS (Please see my EHS Post on the VoIPInsider for further info), Video support, either built in or with an added video hardware module or software, Color touch screens, HD Voice, Gigabit Ethernet, and much more.

Below is a brief recap of the current lineup of  Multimedia phones on VoIPSupply.com and their supported functionality. For additional information on any models below, please contact us and speak to our sales team at 1-800-398-8647.


Digium Switchvox SMB 4.5 Release Update

Are you a current Switchvox SMB owner? If you are and you didn’t know already, Switchvox has formally announced its SMB 4.5 update which is available immediately. The update brings drastic changes and improvements to Polycom phones and Snom phones provisioned to the SMB solution. If you have Switchvox SMB, you already enjoy the intuitive and interactive, real time switchboard. If you don’t have a Switchvox SMB solution and are not familiar with the switchboard, here is a good look at it.

Nortel partners with SIPFoundry to offer first OPEN standards Unified Communications Platform

That’s right, I said it, and yes you heard me correctly, Nortel has finally seen the need to address the growing need to get OFF proprietary equipment and move to a more open standards based platform offering.

While most of us in the Voice over IP world are already accustomed to this, me personally, from day one, I always have noticed the added benefits of using an open-source telephony platform over any proprietary based platform, any day of the week, hands-down. It’s a no-brainer. The idea of using any SIP-Based IP endpoint on a solution gives you the ability to meet everyone’s need from a function ability standpoint, price standpoint, and overall maintenance and upgrades or better put, ease of use. So I say to you Nortel, thank you…it’s about time….

Recently, Nortel’s partnership with SIPFoundry and their open-source application sipXecs, has allowed Nortel to venture into waters they have never gone before. Nortel SCS, A software based Unified communication platform (derived from sipXecs open-source software) is now available and now permits its users to use any SIP based endpoint. As Nortel puts it:
“Because SCS is based entirely on SIP, it is fully interoperable with SIP-based products and applications in the industry. Say good-bye to vendor lock-in and hello to building custom solutions that perfectly meet your unique business requirements.”

Furthermore, Nortel even offers full tech support on most Polycom SoundPoint IP Phone models and Audiocodes Mediapack and Mediant gateways.

SCS is a software based Unified Communication platform designed by Nortel that encompasses all of the “bells and whistles” such as integration with softphones, presence and IM, Voice and Video conferencing, Unified messaging, and much more. This is Nortels first “OPEN” platform.

So you may be wondering, how do I purchase this solution, well VoIPSupply currently does not offer any Nortel hardware or software offerings.

You can however, find your SIP-Based endpoints from VoIPSupply. Give us a call and speak to one of our dedicated sales representative on your solution and needs.

Learn more about VoIP equipment with one of our FREE guides!

January 14, 2010 by Garrett Smith

If you’re like me you’re always interested in learning more about VoIP.

Whether you’re a seasoned VoIP professional or a small business that’s ready to make the switch to VoIP, you can never get enough good information about VoIP technology and solutions.

That’s why the seasoned experts at VoIP Supply have put together a seven guide series to VoIP Equipment, called Learn More.

The “Learn More” series is about you. More specifically it’s about helping you better understand:

  • VoIP technology
  • Key product features and functions
  • Application types and usage
  • Product types and options
  • Selection and purchase methods

The first seven guides, which can be downloaded for FREE via one of the links below, are just the start of the series.

Over the next year a number of additional guides will be released about various aspects of VoIP technology and equipment all so that you can keep yourself up-to-date and informed.

So enjoy, and if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!

A Guide to VoIP Systems (Sponsored by Digium)

Purchasing a VoIP system doesn’t have to be difficult!

This educational guide to VoIP systems covers VoIP technology, key features and functions, current offerings, instructions on how to buy, real solution examples and more!

Download this guide for FREE!

A Guide to VoIP Phones

Get the VoIP phone that is right for you!

This educational guide to VoIP phones covers the phone technology, features and functions, phone types, purchase instructions, user based phone recommendations and more!

Download this guide for FREE!

A Guide to VoIP Gateways (Sponsored by AudioCodes)

Take the complexity out of VoIP gateways!

This educational guide to VoIP gateways explains the underlying technology, gateway types, key features and functions, how to buy, application scenarios, and more!

Download this guide for FREE!

A Guide to VoIP Adapters

Make selecting the right VoIP adapter a breeze!

This educational guide to VoIP adapters covers VoIP technology, key features and functions, current offerings, instructions on how to buy, real application examples and more!

Download this guide for FREE!

A Guide to the Open Source PBX (Sponsored by Sangoma)

Realize the benefits of an Open Source PBX system!

This educational guide to Open Source PBX systems covers open source telephony technology, different solution types, features and functions, current offerings, instructions on how to build one, real solution examples and more!

Download this guide for FREE!

A Guide to VoIP Headsets

Get the right VoIP headset for your VoIP phone!

This educational guide to VoIP headsets covers headset technology, important features and functions, headset types, popular offerings, instructions on how to buy and more!

Download this guide for FREE!

Introducing Reclaim

December 16, 2009 by Garrett Smith

Earlier today we pulled the curtains off of our latest offering – Reclaim.

What is Reclaim?

Reclaim is a VoIP equipment buyback program that allows companies and individuals to sell their used or excess VoIP equipment to VoIP Supply in return for store credit or direct payout.

Drawing upon VoIP Supply’s origins in IT asset management, as well as the growing demand from companies to more affordably upgrade to the latest in VoIP technology, Reclaim provides sellers with an easy four step process to receive fair market value for their equipment allowing them to receive back a portion of their initial investment in this equipment.

Cisco 8900 Series Multimedia Phones Released

November 11, 2009 by Garrett Smith

You know Cisco.

They couldn’t possibly just release one series of multimedia phones. They had to release two.

On the same day that Cisco announced their new 9900 series of high end multimedia phones, they also announced the 8900 series.

The 8900 series multimedia phones are definitely a step below the 9900 series. Gone are things such as a touchscreen, video camera, dual USB ports and other high end options.

But the the 8900 series does appear to have a lot going for it.

  • More than adequate 5-inch high res display
  • Single USB port for a headset
  • Dual Gigabit Ethernet
  • Ability to add an expansion module


Cisco Introduces 9900 Series Multimedia Phones

Well it’s official – the multimedia phone movement is here to stay.

First driven by the likes of Polycom, Linksys and snom, Cisco has placed their stake in the multimedia phone market with yesterday’s introduction of 9900 series. Part of Cisco’s Unified Communications Solutions suite, the 9900 series phones combine voice, video and applications to deliver just about everything you could want.

  • VGA touchscreen display
  • Video camera with H.264 video support
  • Support for HD voice through G.722
  • Dual Gigabit Ethernet
  • Embedded Blutetooth radio
  • Dual USB ports (for accessories and wired/wireless headsets)

And the list goes on…making about the only thing these 9900 series multimedia phones don’t have is Microsoft Office 🙂

Polycom IP 335 Released

November 2, 2009 by Garrett Smith

On Halloween, Polycom released its latest edition to the Soundpoint IP family, the Polycom IP 335.

The Polycom IP 335 will complete Polycom’s “HD” voice line-up acting as the entry level 2 line HD voice phone. The IP-335 looks very similar to the IP 331 but has some upgrades. The IP-335 will support the following:

  • 2 Line or SIP accounts supported
  • HD Voice
  • RJ-9 headset jack (instead of the 2.5mm jacks that come suited on the IP-331)
  • White-Backlit Display
  • Dual Ethernet Ports (one for your LAN connectivity, one for your PC)
  • POE (Does not ship with AC adapter)
  • Cell Phone Interference
  • Electronic Hookswitch (EHS) compatible

Pre-orders on the new IP 335 will start today with orders shipping later this week. Polycom’s stated MSRP is $199.00.

Now Polycom is not replacing the IP 330/IP 331 with the IP 335. Polycom will still offer the IP 330 and IP 331, but has hinted that the IP 330 will stop shipping in December of this year and has already EOL’ed the handset this past August.

Polycom will continue to support the IP 330 for the next 5 years or through 2014. The IP 331 will be replacing the IP 330, with the 321 replacing the 320 with the only difference being that the IP 331/321 has additional internal memory. Polycom has estimated that soon their future releases of SIP firmware and bootrom will require higher amounts of memory, and the IP-330-320 will not be able to support these requirements. Nothing in regards to functionality will be taken away from what currently is supported on the IP 320/ 330. Polycom will not honor any trade ups to the IP 331/321 for the IP 330/320’s.

Aastra 6739i (A6739-0131-10-01) Released

October 26, 2009 by Garrett Smith

Aastra 6739iAastra has announced the formal release of their new 6739i flagship wideband desktop ip phone. The Aastra 6739i (A6739-0131-10-01) ups the ante for SIP standard desktop IP phones with a huge color touch screen combined with an intuitive interface and navigation menus. The Aastra 6739i also supports high definition sound with Aastra Hi-Q™ audio technology combined with full wideband handset and speakerphone hardware. The Aastra 6739i will also feature convenient native Bluetooth headset connectivity and gigabit ethernet onboard.

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