Broadsoft and Polycom Sponsor XCv2 "Mashup" Developer Challenge

July 13, 2009 by Garrett Smith


GAITHERSBURG, MD, June 30, 2009 – BroadSoft, Inc., the leading worldwide provider of VoIP applications, today announced the addition of Polycom as a co-sponsor of the XContestv2 (XCv2) Developer Challenge and to the prestigious panel of judges. Polycom’s participation increases the available pool of prize money to $43,000. XCv2 is bringing together developers from around the world to create new, compelling business and consumer communications applications that combine BroadSoft’s Xtended Web Services with other open application programming interfaces (APIs).

The Polycom Bonus Challenge is aimed to encourage XCv2 developers to extend their application user experiences into the domain of video-enabled desktop devices. Polycom’s VVX 1500 business media phone, which combines a personal video conferencing system and full featured support for the BroadWorks® VoIP application platform, offers an open API (more…)

A fresh new look (and new features too!)

July 6, 2009 by Garrett Smith

If you’re a frequent visitor to the VoIP Insider you’ll notice that over the last two weeks we’ve made a number of upgrades to the site.

In order to make sure you’re aware of them and how they’ll improve your experience, I thought I’d take a moment to highlight what has been done.

  • New site design – Out is the old basic layout. In is a new design that makes finding the latest information easier than ever before.
  • Enhanced categories – With over three years worth of juicy content, the old site layout made finding important information within each category rather arduous. The new enhanced category put the most important and relevant content at the forefront, while providing snippets of other relevant content in chronological order.
  • Newsletter – Don’t have the time to visit the VoIP Insider every day?
  • Share this – As more and more of you are utilizing social mediums to share and discuss information we’ve made pushing our content to the most popular social destinations as easy as clicking a link. Every post is now equipped with the ability for you to push and share via Twitter, Digg, Delicious and StumbleUpon.
  • Subscribe to comments – Want to know when someone responds to your comment on a post? With the check of a box you can now receive email updates when someone responds to or adds additional information to the comments of a post you’re subscribed to.

Over the next six to eight weeks expect to see a number of additional feature and functionality improvements come online as the VoIP Insider continues its evolution.

(P.S. If you’ve got any suggestions as to what can be done to make the VoIP Insider better, please contact us and let us know.)

First Look: 3CX VoIP Phone System

3CX Windows IP PBX

3CX is not a new product, but it has been gaining ground an IP Phone System that completely replaces your proprietary PBX, supports standard SIP soft/hard phones, VOIP services and traditional PSTN phone lines.

3CX Phone System is far less expensive than a traditional PBX and can reduce call costs substantially by using a VOIP service provider. Its web-based administration makes phone system management easy. 3CX is a great choice for Windows ships who want a feature rich IP PBX but lack any Linux administrative experience and are uncomfortable with Asterisk based phone systems.

3CX runs on pretty much any Wintel platform, for the purposes of our testing we used Intel based server appliances from vendor PhoneBochs running Microsoft Windows XP Professional.

Consumers cutting VoIP?

June 29, 2009 by Garrett Smith

There’s an interesting new survey out by Alcatel-Lucent that’s raising some eyebrows within the VoIP industry.

The reason?

The report noted that a portion of the respondents deemed paid VoIP services to be expendable, whilst a land line connection (and a cellular phone) was an essential. This is in stark contrast with a series of surveys and reports that have continually shown decreasing land line adoption rates and higher levels of churn.

Of course this is just one survey, but it does point to an often echoed point that VoIP service providers have to do more than offer a low cost to continue to earn the loyalty of consumers. Perhaps this is just one signal that the era of VoIP simply being a low cost alternative is over and that the industry, as a whole, needs to continue to drive innovations such that there is more to VoIP than price.

While it’s unlikely this will happen tomorrow, if survey responses like these become the trend, innovation within this space might start to turn-up again.

Help with Mass Provisioning Snom Phones

June 24, 2009 by Garrett Smith

snom logo

If you are a fan of Snom phones, you might be interested in a handy CGI script for mass provisioning Snom phones that I came across recently.

This snippet of code will save you a ton of time if you are deploying a number of Snom phones and don’t have time to hand configure each unit. This CGI script was authored by a gentleman by the name of Conrad Wood. Conrad also offers Asterisk consultancy and can be reached at asterisk (at) conradwood (dot) net or at +44 (0) 207 099 4804.

A Closer Look at the Aastra 57i-CT

June 23, 2009 by Garrett Smith

The Aastra 6757i CT is the flagship SIP desk phone from Aastra, supporting up to 9 simultaneous calls. The 57i CT includes a WDCT cordless handset for coverage up to 300,000 sq ft. You can pair additional wireless companion handsets ( up to 4 total) and you can also expand the phone by adding the 560M or 536M Expansion Modules (Up to 3).

Aastra 57ict

The Aastra 6757i CT has a large 144 x 128 pixel graphical backlit LCD display and 6 dynamic context-sensitive softkeys. The Astra 57i CT is fully interoperable with leading IP Telephony platforms like Asterisk, Trixbox or Switchvox. The Aastra 57i CT also offers advanced XML capability to access custom applications. is currently offering the Aastra 57i CT at the unprecedented discount price of $265!

Under Construction

June 18, 2009 by Garrett Smith

Following the lead of the City of Buffalo and the surrounding towns, the VoIP Insider will be under construction for the next 24 hours.

So if you notice any potholes, cones, blinking lights or other odd happenings, don’t call your town supervisor – we’re simply upgrading infrastructure and putting a fresh layer of pavement on the site.

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