Follow-up to Metaswitch Forum 2010

May 14, 2010 by Garrett Smith

Did you ever plan a summer party and then it rains and blows the plans? All of your provisions are sitting in the fridge with know one to serve them to (maybe except the wine and beer which somehow always finds a home).

Well that’s nothing compared with what Metaswitch encountered in the last two weeks when their forum venue, the Gaylord – Opryland Hotel and resort was flooded and their Annual User Conference needed to be canceled.

See photos of the hotel at this link.

The organizers have not announced the rescheduling of the event. I’m sure the more than 800 customers and vendors will find something else to do next week, and I’m also sure that the we all feel for, the Opryland Hotel staff and the people of Tenn. who have a much bigger task ahead of them, rebounding from this event.

Skype Group Video Calls Brings Video Conferencing to Everyone

May 13, 2010 by Garrett Smith

Earlier today Skype announced their version 5.0 BETA.

There’s a number of improvements and new features. They are all of value, but perhaps the most important and intriguing feature release is group video calling.

The highly demanded and anticipated group video calling feature allows Skype users to conduct a Skype video call with up to five other Skype users.

That’s right – five way video conferencing. For free.

All you need is a Skype Web camera, a Skype account and some Skype buddies.

For years video conferencing technology has been out of the reach of small companies. With version 5.0, Skype has enable millions to start leveraging video conferencing to increase productivity, efficiency and even lower costs.

Small businesses no longer need to outlay thousands of dollars to enjoy basic video conferencing if they don’t need to. This is a huge win for Skype and users of the service.

Now this feature release doesn’t signal the end for existing video conferencing providers. If anything it will only further increased interest and use of the technology.

And as interest and usage increases, so to does demand for more advanced and feature rich video conferencing options. This makes the announcement a win for just about everyone.

Oh and we’ll get back to VoIP tomorrow. Promise.

Advantages of Video Conferencing

May 11, 2010 by Joe Shanahan

Video conferencing is a very popular and rapidly growing technology due to the many advantages and cost savings it can provide to both large and small businesses and organizations of all types.

Business meetings, educational training, medical procedures and collaboration, stockholder meetings, distance learning, surveillance and military operations are just a few of the many different environments where video conferencing is used on a daily basis.

The Main Advantages of Video Conferencing

Cost Savings

The most obvious advantage of utilizing video conferencing is the reduction of travel costs that is realized when face to face meetings are conducted via video rather than in person. Cutting travel expenses is an excellent way for a company to help the bottom line while keeping the same level of service to customers and business associates that they are accustomed to.

Video Conferencing Solutions Now Available at VoIP Supply

May 10, 2010 by Garrett Smith

If you don’t know it already or can’t tell from my posts I talk a lot.

More precisely I communicate a lot.

From face-to-face meetings, phone calls, emails and text messages more than half of my waking hours are spent communicating.

And recently, I’ve added a new hammer to my communications tool box – Video conferencing.

Whether I’m leveraging the Polycom HDX 8002 video conferencing system in our training room or desktop video calling using Skype and a web camera, video conferencing has helped me become a more efficient and profitable employee.

I no longer have to travel to EVERY meeting. I can foster better relationships and collaboration with the  Manufacturers we represent. And I can now tell when someone’s snoozing on  a call 🙂

Now you can too.

I was supposed to keep this quiet until Wednesday, but I can’t keep quiet any longer. Video conferencing equipment is now available at VoIP Supply.

Look for more on video conferencing solutions from the likes of Polycom, FREETALK, Grandstream and others over the coming weeks as VoIP Supply brings together voice and video for the first time.

In the mean time, check out the following articles to get you primed for what’s to come:

Cisco IP Phone Headsets

May 3, 2010 by Garrett Smith

So you have put the research into it, tried out a demo unit, and finally you have decided on Cisco IP Phones for your VoIP deployment.

Selecting a headset for a Cisco Phone

In most cases the headset to use with your new VoIP phone is a hasty afterthought. VoIP Supply has done the research for you on headsets so you can decide quickly and with confidence which headsets are your best bet to use with your new Cisco IP phone.

New Hours of Operation

In addition to Canadian expansion, VoIP Supply is also expanding our hours of operation to meet the needs of west coast customers.

Starting today VoIP Supply’s new hours of operation are 8:3am until 9pm EST Monday through Friday. During this time live sales and service associates will be available to answer your questions, service your account and process your orders.

For more information, please call 800.398.8647 or email [email protected].

VoIP Supply Invades Foreign Soil


If you’ve followed the VoIP Insider or VoIP Supply for any length of time you will know that for years we’ve been servicing a worldwide customer base. While the  United States is our primary market, we’ve always had a strong presence within North America, especially in Canada.

Over the years we’ve kept a close on eye on the Canadian market place through our Canadian VoIP Store and over the last few months we’ve made a number of investments to bolster our ability to service the Canadian market.

In addition to a revamp of our Canadian website, today we’re happy to announce that VoIP Supply now has a physical presence in Canada. Starting soon orders placed through or will ship from our Canada location.

This will allow Canadian customers to purchase product in Canadian dollars, avoid shipping delays and customs fees all of which should make purchasing VoIP equipment easier and less expensive.

Migrating to VoIP using a gateway

April 28, 2010 by Brian Hyrek

More and more companies have begun considering a new phone system. Chances are you are looking into one too.

Since the last time you’ve looked into a phone system, though, a lot has changed. Today you have more choice than ever.

Despite the choice and after dragging a fine-tooth over the feature sets and costs savings of VoIP vs. Analog phone systems, you’ll likely find that moving your phone system to VoIP is a conclusive no-brainer.

But that doesn’t mean that the PSTN isn’t useful, nor does it mean that you necessarily have to completely replace your existing phone system – thanks to VoIP Gateways.

Benefiting from VoIP – Hosted or Premise?

April 22, 2010 by Arthur Miller

A lot of businesses these days find themselves faced with tightening budgets and outdated phone systems deployed 10 or more years ago. I speak with these types of businesses everyday; owners or IT administrators looking at exploring whether or not a VoIP system is a good fit for their organization and how to approach putting a system together or approaching a service provider.

While hybrid solutions exist and the use of a VoIP gateway can allow many companies to deploy VoIP using their existing infrastructure, most people I speak with these days are interested completely replacing their existing phone system.

For this there are two ways to approach this project:

  • Hosted VoIP Phone Service
  • Premise VoIP Phone Systems

Each of these solutions bring with them benefits. How substantial these benefits are to you, will of course depend on your situation.

Metaswitch Forum 2010 upcoming 5/17 -5/20

April 21, 2010 by Garrett Smith

At Aastra we spend a lot of time and money on inter-opt testing with the leading SIP Call Control platforms; whether those platforms are premised based or hosted. One of our key relationships is with Metawitch.

For those who do not know Metaswitch they are a UK based company with a large base of USA customers. They focus on products sold to Carriers which include a “broad range of telephony application server and switching products which are building out next-generation voice networks, modernizing legacy voice networks or deploying new voice applications”.

They sell soft switch technology and within that product sector have a solution called MetaSphere which among other things provides a Hosted PBX (or Hosted VoIP) solution set. Within this product sector their biggest competitor would probably be Broadsoft.

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