Cut Throat Customer Service Solutions from 3CX

July 29, 2011 by Nathan Miloszewski

3CX, developer of aggressively priced proprietary PBX replacements, is now offereing the 3CX Call Center Edition for professional call center installations.

Real-Time Reporting & Queue Statistics

The 3CX Call Center Edition is a software-based IP PBX Phone system  that adds advanced real-time reporting, queue statistics and other features you’d expect from a call center offering.

3CX Call Center Edition’s biggest advantage is that no complicated hardware set-up is required.

Additionally, the Call Center module is simply a license key upgrade to your existing 3CX Phone System.  So, if you’re already running a 3CX Phone System, you just need to purchase the 3CX Call Center Edition Upgrade Module.

Tailored for SMB’s

Improving customer service response is crucial for any business.  With 3CX Call Center Edition you’ll gain a faster, more powerful, and more affordable method for managing phone communications.

Nick Galea, 3CX CEO, explains:

“Customer service is key in today’s cut throat market. The 3CX Call Center Module allows small and medium businesses to deliver superior customer service without having to buy an expensive enterprise call center. Previous to the 3CX Phone System, adding much needed call center features to your phone system was prohibitive.”

Ensure Customer Service

Don’t lose calls or keep your customers waiting.  With 3CX Call Center Edition you’ll gain advanced enterprise level features in a simple software-based package at SMB prices.  3CX does the heavy lifting to better manage agents and customers making it possible for you to increase employee productivity and sales.

For more information, watch the 3CX Call Center Module Video.

ClueCon a Must for Open Source VoIP Professionals

July 28, 2011 by Nathan Miloszewski

In less than two weeks the unique ClueCon event for VoIP and open source telephony developers will be held in Chicago, IL from August 9th to the 11th.   Instead of the typical trade show and conference fare that requires manning a booth all day, sponsors and developers instead freely interact with conference attendees in a relaxed atmosphere.

In short:  If you attend, you should learn a lot.

Quality VoIP Presentations With a Technical, Real World Focus

Share your experiences with brilliant open source applications developers and interact with the most influential open source telephony experts.  Enjoy three days full of technical VoIP and telephony presentations from expert speakers
(including PGP creator Philip Zimmermann) that examine the bones of telecommunications.

The attention to detail is complimented with presentations about real world VoIP applications by developers and entrepreneurs using open source telephony software as a catalyst for business.

Intimate Atmosphere

Ever since the first ClueCon event in 2005, the same intimate atmosphere exists that developers and sponsors have come to appreciate. Expect to spend time with fellow professionals and listen to high-caliber presentations from carefully screened speakers.

Craigslist Still Hates VoIP

July 27, 2011 by Nathan Miloszewski

A 2008 VoIP Insider post discussed Craigslist’s insistance that VoIP users are up to no good.  The telephone verification process to authenticate Craigslist ads resulted in VoIP and pre-paid cell users being blocked.  Presumably because those numbers can be changed frequently resulting in spam.

Since then, VoIP use has only increased making roundabout methods such as phone verified account (PVA) stores even more popular hence the latest lawsuit:  Craigslist Sues Sellers of Phone Verified Accounts, Fights Posting Spam.

Craiglist maintains that these types of services “make it easier for people to submit automated postings to Craiglist” by circumventing their spam protection features.

Twarting spam is a worthy endeavor but Craigslist will have to recognize VoIP users at some point as the VoIP technology adoption rate continues its fast paced growth

Who’s to say Craigslist isn’t using VoIP to save a buck just like the rest of us and to take a quote from my colleague’s post years ago about their own automated outbound verification calls:

I would not be surprised to learn that the provider was leveraging VoIP to send these very same outbound verification calls. Now wouldn’t that be ironic?

Office Theft and Employee Surveillance Limits

July 26, 2011 by Nathan Miloszewski

A reader writes VentureBeat asking if it’s okay to install surveillance cameras to watch employees after a rash of trade secret thefts in the office.

The answer?

Proceed with caution.

4 Kinds of Surveillance

There are generally four kinds of employee related surveillance explains Curtis Smolar, a lawyer representing small businesses and start-ups:

  1. Work Related Data: Usually acceptable and generally non-
    invasive, this monitoring type relates to on-the-job employee performance.
  2. Computer Data:  Potentially the most invasive type of monitoring, protect yoruself by making sure that your employee handbook states that this data is not private.
  3. Video Monitoring: Considered very invasive by employees and often rife with gray areas, notification of a company policy might prove acceptable.
  4. Audio Recording:  Possibly illegal in many states, a broad and highly detailed written company policy outlining the various technological surveillance methods give employers a fighting chance in court.

Protecting Your Company

Some surveillance in the workplace is acceptable but More Invasive = More Problems for the company.  Don’t be vague and secretive. That is, a detailed and obvious company policy that sets privacy expectations low is your best bet when protecting your company.

Via VentureBeat

The IP PBX Isn’t Dead

Over the last few years there have been a number of obituaries posted for the PBX; specifically the premise based IP PBX.

There is no doubt in my mind (or anyone else) that hosted and cloud based systems have taken a huge huge chunk out of the premise based market. However, in order to truly understand to what levels hosted and cloud telephony have impacted the growth of premise based IP PBX systems, one must consider the customer segments that each serves.

In the SOHO market, characterized as 1 – 10 lines/seats/users, there is no doubt that hosted and cloud telephony solutions have killed the premise based PBX. For customers of this side, almost regardless of vertical, hosted and cloud based communications is the way to go.

Market research firm In-Stat has growth in this space eclipsing 83% from 2010 – 2015.

However when you up above 10 lines/seats/users, the story begins to change. From 11 – 30 seats the IP PBX space is HOTLY contested. There are both pros and cons to going with a hosted/cloud solution or a premise based system depending on your need.

And when you get above 30? Well, let me tell you, the IP PBX certainly isn’t dead.

Here’s why; most small office and home office solutions do not come with the type of SLA or QoS measures, nor the scale, to adequately meet the demands of medium to large companies. They’re also not well equipped for the massive systems integration that most mid-to-large sized businesses undertake when switching to VoIP.

In fact In-Stat has the medium to large business segment (100 – 999 users), growing the fastest of all segments from 2010 to 2015; the vast majority of which will not be buying hosted or cloud solutions.

Like Mark Twain and Steve Jobs’, I guess the for the IP PBX,  “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.”

VoIP Supply Adds Latest Valcom IP Paging Devices

July 25, 2011 by Nathan Miloszewski

VoIP Supply is expanding VoIP convergence options with the addition of new Valcom IP Paging devices for mass notification and real time IP voice. 

No More Separate Systems

Paging system solutions for schools, manufacturers, hospitals, and businesses were traditionally a separate analog based system.  Elimination of that separate analog system is possible with Valcom IP page controls that tie into an existing IP network that most institutions already employ for data and VoIP phones. 

Industry First IP Loudspeakers

Before introducing the industry’s first IP and IP PoE loudspeakers, Valcom was already recognized as having a long history of providing high quality paging products used by major telephone carriers.   That same long standing excellence can be found in all of Valcom’s latest IP network-based:Valcom 02-112246_4

  • Page Controls
  • Speakers
  • Horns
  • Intercoms
  • Clocks

Convergence Saves Money

Garrett Smith, VoIP Supply’s CMO, explains why he’s excited to offer Valcom’s latest line of IP paging devices:

“Utilizing Valcom’s advanced communication solutions is yet another option to save time and resources that many organizations may not be aware of; IP paging systems can easily converge into existing IP networks.” 

New 9-1-1 Rules for VoIP Service Providers?

July 20, 2011 by Nathan Miloszewski

The FCC is considering new rules and regulations for 9-1-1 use and accuracy through VoIP service providers.

FierceCable’s Lynnette Luna explains that the FCC is contemplating these requirements:

  • Existing 9-1-1 Rules:  Existing rules to be applied to both two-way interconnected VoIP services and outbound-only interconnected VoIP services.
  • Automatic Location Information:  All interconnected VoIP providers will be required to provide automatic location information instead of relying only on subscriber registered locations.
  • Location Accuracy:  Improved location accuracy to be employed for calls made indoors which will include large office buildings.
  • Emerging Location Technology:  Emerging location technologies are to play a role in locating VoIP 9-1-1 calls.

Location, Location, Location

The possible “emerging location technology requirement” may also have to include businesses that are not VoIP service providers.  That is to say, broadband cable providers would have to assist with supporting 9-1-1 locations.  An added task that is expected to be met with resistance.

The FCC however is thinking that the most efficient solution for automatic location information lies in broadband providers and VoIP service providers both lending a hand in the process.

If It Aint Broke…

Luna notes that some say the existing VoIP call locating system already works well while Vonage  claims that their cooperation with local authorities provides better location info than cell phone companies currently offer.

But with VoIP security a rising concern, deceptive callers can fudge their actual location and potentially tie up valuable emergency services.

Via FierceCable and ConnectedPlanet

3 Desktop Speakerphone Solutions From Phoenix Audio

July 18, 2011 by Nathan Miloszewski

When are fewer choices better?  When you’re in the market for a desktop speakerphone solution for a small to mid-sized conference room and you have no desire to sift through too many choices when you already know you need:Phoenix Audio Duet

  • Powerful features, yet portable design.
  • Handsfree operation with built-in microphone and speaker.
  • Superior audio from advanced echo cancellation and noise suppression technology.

Phoenix Audio’s Duet desktop speakerphones satisfy those needs and eliminate any guesswork with three simple model choices.


Why VoIP Security Matters To You

June 30, 2011 by Nathan Miloszewski

VoIP use is becoming more and more prevalent meaning businesses are at risk to lose real money from hacker attacks.  Even though VoIP can be used over secure, encrypted networks sometimes businesses focus more on functionality than security.

SecurityMicrosoft’s acquisition of Skype, effectively turning Microsoft into a phone company, has forced them to deal with VoIP security in a big way. Government agencies are demanding access from them to listen in on these VoIP calls.

Microsoft’s patent application for a way to intercept and record VoIP communication might have been unwitting foresight but, that’s another story. The fact is that VoIP calls and networks can be compromised.

ClueCon’s VoIP Security Discussion

This year’s ClueCon Telephony User and Devloper Conference features PGP creator Philip R. Zimmermann headlining the VoIP security roundtable session on August 10th, 2011 along with representatives from various software projects and service providers, all of whom have “in the trenches” experience with VoIP security.

ClueCon representatives explain further:

“Until recently, most of us probably had not heard of Lulz Security. Right or wrong, their hacking activities have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt two important points: Security is important, and good security is hard to find.

Couple that with the fact that there are hundreds of millions of VoIP endpoints installed around the world with more every day. IP PBX’s and SIP trunks are ubiquitous.

Skype has well over half a billion users. VoIP security matters, whether you are a developer, a provider, or even simply the end user.”

Goodbye LulzSec, Hello Hacktivist Copycats

Lulz Security’s recent announcement that they’re disbanding  doesn’t mean
other cyberattack brothers in arms haven’t already picked up right where they’ve left off.

VoIP systems can be manipulated like any other software or IP network.  For the most up to date information about attacks, call hijacking, and eavesdropping register for ClueCon and join the VoIP security discussion August 9-11, 2011 in Chicago.

New ACTi GNR-2000 Compact Network Video Recorder

Realizing that the 64-channel rackmount ACTi XNR-4200 NVR has enviable features at a price and scale that smaller operations can’t touch, ACTi has released an NVR based on that platform better suited for smaller systems and limited budgets.

Small and Powerful

The standalone ACTi GNR-2000 NVR is smaller in size but maintains the same great user interface, support for up to 5 hard drive disks (not included), and packs the same powerful features such as:

  • Manage up to 16 IP cameras or video encoders
  • Support H.264/MPEG-4/MJPEG formats up to 4-Megapixel resolution
  • H.264, MPEG-4, MJPEG with dual stream
  • RAID levels 0, 1, 5, 10
  • Instant event playback, 4-channel synchronized playback up to 500x speed
  • Intuitive and friendly user interface

Standalone NVR vs. IP Camera Software

For more information on how/where to use a standalone NVR and why it might be right for you versus installing IP camera software on your network servers, click to read the GNR-2000 – Small and Reliable 16-Channel Standalone NVR article.

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