Hosted Cloud VoIP: How Do Multi-site Businesses Manage Communications in the Cloud?

December 12, 2016 by Ying-Hui Chen

multi-site-businessManaging communications for a multi-site business can be tricky when you have employees and clients at different locations or, even worse, in different time zones.

Originally from Taiwan, I am no stranger to working remotely or during my flight layover (trust me, I didn’t have a choice!), I understand the pain of working in a separate location or on the road – time differences, limited communication channels and higher costs, you name it.

So now you ask – I’ve heard about Cloud based VoIP, how can my multi-site business benefit from it? Let’s look at this from three aspects.

Synchronize Communication with a Unified System

cloudspanWhen you have offsite employees, building a reliable and flexible communication is the key to a successful business. With a hosted Cloud VoIP solution, you don’t have to sacrifice communication quality for flexibility. Remember one time my team lost an important file completely due to inconsistent communications and we had to restore our presentation based on our own memories. Had I been on a hosted cloud solution through my employer at the time, this could have never happened. Remote employees can easily stay connected through multiple communication channels such as video conferencing, instant message and email that are hosted from the same server sot hat you won’t lose track of anything important.

Hosted Cloud VoIP Makes Managing Communications a Breeze

As everything is hosted in the cloud, you can simply manage your multi-base operation in one single place. Host a virtual meeting, change/ update user authorizations or monitor activities throughout the organization can all be done within a blink on an eye.

A Hosted Cloud VoIP system also offers numerous advanced features to make your business communication as seamless as possible including advanced analysis, call routing, international DID, shared lines and more.

Implementing a Hosted Cloud VoIP System is a No-Brainer

Instead of investing a lot of time and money into something new, you can implement a hosted cloud VoIP system at your own pace; start with just a few lines first and expand it when you are ready to grow your business. With limited system maintenance from your end and extremely low upfront costs, there’s no need to have technical staff onsite or invest in a huge amount of VoIP equipment. Whenever any technical issues arise, your hosted cloud VoIP provider will take care of them.

Is that all? Hang on, the best part is just coming – on average your are able to save 30% off your monthly bills with our CloudSpan MarketPlace Solutions Specialists. Sit back and let the experts do the work for you. Managing a multi-site business is no more headaches when you let us choose the right Hosted Cloud VoIP system.

An Ideal VoIP Service Provider: Top 5 Factors to Consider

(Note: Infographic was created through

If you’ve shopped a VoIP service provider for your business, a client or the company you work for, you would understand how complicated and time-consuming this task can be, especially for someone who is not a VoIP expert.

For those who are just about to begin or are in the middle of the process of your VoIP service hunt, you can avoid the headaches by following the checklist below to make sure you make a right decision!


VoIP Service Providers Checklist – What matters and why?

Factor #1 Service Plan

The most important factor to consider is the service plan. You may be able to filter out most of the options in this step. Make a list and consult with your provider.

The monthly rate can range from $3/ month to $50/ month or up. While most VoIP service providers offer unlimited domestic calls, they usually have extra charge for calls to Canada or Mexico. Some even provide you customized plans or offer room for negotiation.

Also be sure to think about the following questions:

  • Do they provide Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)?
  • Do they offer money back guarantee?
  • What’s their cancellation policy?
  • Does the fee include a complete setup? (Most of them offer free activation)

Factor #2 Contract

Understand how long the contract will be before you sign anything. Typical contract terms include no early termination fees, pay-as-you-go, or even no contract needed.

Factor #3 Service Features

Pay attention to the features the provider offers. Aside from the basic phone features such as call hold, forward, mute, voicemail, and fax, you would also want to look at their advanced service features. Useful service features include CRM integration, Cloud storage, and management, unlimited extensions, advanced analytics, etc.

Factor #4 Numbers

Think about how may numbers you need for your business. Consult with your provider regarding keeping your old number, creating toll-free phone numbers or vanity numbers (spell a message in numbers) if you need.

Factor #5 Technical Support

Many people overlooked their technical support when choosing a VoIP service provider. It’s extremely important, especially for VoIP beginners. Make sure they have post-sale support. How flexible is the support? What communication methods are available? How much does it cost?

Understanding what matters is the first step to selecting an ideal VoIP service provider. VoIP Supply’s CloudSpan MarketPlace is your best resource to find you a perfect VoIP Cloud Service provider in a timely manner. If you have any questions or thoughts you’d like to share with us, utilize the comment box below!

VoIP Supply’s Giving December Program Details

VoIP Supply Extends Giving Tuesday Throughout DecemberGiving Tuesday has inspired us to launch Giving December! The global movement is a call to action for people to donate during the holiday season and is celebrated annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. We kicked off our participation in Giving Tuesday as an extension of what we do everyday at VoIP Supply which is looking for ways to do great things in the communities that we serve. For every web order that was placed with VoIP Supply one meal was donated to the Buffalo City Mission.

We are so pleased that so many of our customers around the world heard the call and joined with us. For us, one day of giving during the holiday season simply wasn’t enough so we have extended the program through December 31, 2016!

VoIP Supply is a certified B Corp that was founded by Ben Sayers. Ben wanted to create a great company, with great people who do great things. For us there is nothing greater than helping the communities that we serve.

We want to thank you for a great kickoff to our season of giving and ask you to continue joining together with us to #DoGreatThings this holiday.

From November 29 – December 31, 2016 for every web order we fill we will be filling an empty plate and giving hope to others this holiday season.

Join us in spreading the word by using social media to #DoGreatThings this holiday season. For every retweet, like and share that we get on Twitter and Facebook using the joint hashtags #DoGreatThings #VoIPSupply we will donate another meal to the Buffalo City Mission.

Together this holiday season we can #DoGreatThings!

Order Now

Set Up Extensions on a Cloud Based FreePBX

December 9, 2016 by Marc Spehalski

One of the best things about modern VoIP systems is how flexible they are when it comes to how you deploy them. You can use them on an appliance, virtualized, or on a cloud-based service like Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure. Each configuration has a slightly different technique to making everything work, and one of the first challenges is registering extensions. For this post, we’ll focus on the general concepts of setting up extensions for a cloud based (hosted) solution with FreePBX.

sangoma-freepbxIf you’ve never heard of FreePBX, and you’re in the market for a new VoIP system, you should start doing a little research ( and also call VoIP Supply). To be brief, it’s a turn-key PBX solution that uses Asterisk, a free SIP based VoIP platform. Sangoma, the makers of FreePBX have created a web user interface for Asterisk to simplify configuration. They’ve also added an entire security architecture, and have added a lot of features above and beyond what pure Asterisk (no user interface) provides, such as Endpoint Manager, which is a way to centrally configure and manage IP Phones.

FreePBX isn’t the only product out there to do this, there’s quite a few out there actually, but FreePBX has really raised the bar in the past few years and has become a very series solution for the enterprise. Don’t let the word “Free” in FreePBX lead you to think it’s a cheaply created system.


First, a little about VoIP Cloud Security:

There’s a huge benefit to hosting a VoIP system in the cloud, you have to deal with very little NAT. Why is that good? SIP and NAT generally do not cooperate with each other. It’s very common for SIP header information to be incorrect without a device such as a session border controller (SBC), or a SIP application layer gateway (SIP ALG). When deploying a system on premise, you will always need to port forward SIP (UDP 5060) and RTP ( UDP 10,000-20,000) at a minimum. Also, you’ll need to make sure these ports are open on your firewall. This helps direct SIP traffic to your phone system, similarly as if you had a web or mail server.

Of course, there are security concerns when exposing SIP directly to the internet, and the same concerns apply for a hosted system, but when dealing with a cloud solution, you are generally given a 1:1 (one to one) NAT from your external IP address to the VoIP system’s internal IP. A 1:1 NAT ensures all traffic is sent to the system without any additional rules. Some cloud services place an external IP address directly on your server, increasing simplicity.

If you’re reading this, and are becoming increasingly concerned, you’re not wrong. If you’re in the technology field, you’ve probably been taught that exposing any server directly to the internet is wrong, bad, horrible, and stupid. Generally speaking, that’s all correct, but luckily many cloud service providers will offer the ability to create access control lists to place in front of your server, like the one below from Microsoft Azure.


This gives you the ability to control access to specified ports, source, and destination IP addresses. Additionally, FreePBX has built in intrusion detection (Fail2Ban), and a responsive firewall, allowing you to further restrict access to ports and services. Is this hack proof? No, of course not. Nothing is hack proof, but I have run my personal FreePBX, exposed directly to the internet, with zero successful attacks. No, that’s not a challenge, and you can’t have my IP address. You can, however, have some of the would-be hacker’s IP’s (see below).


If you’d like to learn about the firewall that FreePBX has put together, go here. I’m not suggesting, that this is just as good as placing an on-prem VoIP system behind a hardware firewall, but the results so far are that it works very well. Using a cloud solution will always be at your own risk, so do plenty of testing and take whatever measures needed to secure your system (disclaimer).


Setting up (remote) extensions:

One of my favorite feature of a cloud based system is that all extensions are essentially remote extensions. This means you can place a phone anywhere in the world, in theory, with an internet connection, and place calls as if you were sitting in the office, or at home. There are some variables to this configuration, mainly restrictions on whatever network your phone is connected to, but generally speaking, it’s a useful and user-friendly solution. Now, for the rest of the article, I will assume that you know how to create an extension on FreePBX and have basic familiarity.

The first thing I typically do when deploying a new VoIP system is to define all of the network information for SIP. This is important for both cloud systems, and on-prem, Specifically, you need to tell FreePBX what networks are local, and which are not. To accomplish this, proceed to Settings > Asterisk SIP Settings, and define your external address, and local networks.


Next, if you have your firewall turned on and you should make sure SIP is accessible. You’ll notice in the below image that the “Other” zone is selected, meaning I have defined specific networks that are allowed under Zones> Networks. To allow all SIP traffic, you can select “External,” but you would be better off enabling the Responsive Firewall, which rate limits all SIP registration attempts and will ban a host if a registration fails a handful of times.


Also, something to pay attention to: Make sure you use the right port number. By default, PJSIP is enabled, and in use in FreePBX on port 5060 UDP. I will generally turn off PJSIP and re-assign 5060 USP to Chan SIIP. This can be adjusted under Settings > SIP Settings > Chen SIP Settings, and PJSIP Settings.


Once the ports are re-assigned, you MUST reboot your system, or in the command line, run ‘fwconsole restart.’ I also like to tell FreePBX to use only Chan SIP. To do that, go to Settings > Advanced Settings > SIP Channel Driver = Chan SIP. PJSIP is perfectly funcitonal, but for now, I recommend you stick with CHAN SIP as PJSIP is still underdevelopment.

We should also assign the global device NAT setting to “Yes”. This will be the option used wheneber you create a new extension. Without making this the global default, you will have to make this change manually in each extension, when you’ll likely forget to do, and your remote extension will not register. This setting lets FreePBX know that it can expect the IP phone or endpoint to be external and likely behind a NAT firewall. To change this global setting, go to Settings > Advanced Settings > Device Settings > SIP NAT = Yes.


Lastly, make sure your extensions are using SIP, if you haven’t turned off PJSIP. You can convert extensions from one channel driver to the other within an extension’s settings.


At this point, you should be able to register your remote extensions to your cloud based FreePBX system. If you are running into trouble, run through these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check the firewall – Allowing SIP? Are you being blocked?
  2. Check Fail2Ban (Admin > System Admin > Intrusion Detection) Are you banned?
  3. Check that your networks are properly defined in SIP Settings
  4. Verify you are registering to the proper port
  5. Make sure the extension is using the proper protocol
  6. Debug the registration attempt in the command line – Authentication problem?

I hope this article sheds some light on the topic of cloud based VoIP systems, and how to set up extensions for that system. I also hope this saves you a few hours in troubleshooting if you are not well versed in FreePBX configuration. As a friendly reminder, before you make any changes to your production system, take a backup, or snapshot, and always test your changes. Don’t ever assume somthing works. Thanks for reading!

VoIP News! A Major Update to Digium’s Switchvox Softphone Is Here

December 8, 2016 by Angela Burgin-Logan

Major Update To The Digium Switchvox Softphone App Digium has big news and gift to everyone just in time for the holidays.  Available for immediate download is the new Switchvox Softphone app, version 3.0. What makes this version such big news? It’s all about CallKit, a new feature in Apple iOS 10 that resolves the limitations in previous iOS versions that all softphone vendors experienced. Digium is among the first Unified Communications vendors to release a softphone based on Apple iOS 10 CallKit. And best of all, the app is free!

In previous versions of iOS, users experienced some limitations and challenges with iOS softphone applications. For example,a softphone was considered just another application. If a cell phone call came in, your softphone application was immediately placed into the background and your softphone calls were placed on hold. Of course this was not ideal, as your softphone caller would have no indication as to why they were suddenly on hold. Likewise, if your iOS device was locked or the softphone was in the background, notifications did not always come through.

Major Update To The Digium Switchvox Softphone App With iOS 10 and CallKit, this all changes. Now, the Digium Switchvox Softphone app interacts with iOS 10, just like a regular phone call. Now, all calls utilize the same interface, allowing you to choose what happens when multiple calls occur simultaneously.

Calls to and from the softphone app are no longer interrupted by cell phone calls. Also, any incoming Switchvox call can be quickly answered even when the app is closed and your iPhone is locked.

What’s more, Switchvox Softphone 3.0 uses less battery life than any version of the past. Push technology enables better communication between the server and the app, conserving your data and battery use.

This is a revolutionary update for the Digium Switchvox Softphone app and it takes softphone usage from a nice-to-try feature to a must-have feature. Interact with your Switchvox calls with greater flexibility, call control, and confidence with Switchvox Softphone 3.0.

Small and medium sized businesses can get all of their Digium Switchvox needs from VoIP Supply.  Download the latest version of Switchvox Softphone today from the Apple Store.

The Grandstream UCM IP PBX Product Review: Choose the Right UCM for You

December 7, 2016 by Marc Spehalski

grandstreamucmNote: This is part III of the three-part blog series. See part I & part II.

If you like what you’ve read so far, you are going to want to know which Grandstream UCM is right for you. You typically select the correct appliance based on  your concurrent call and analog requirement. The UCM 6260

You typically select the correct appliance based on  your concurrent call and analog requirement. The UCM 6260 will support up to 30 concurrent calls, and has 2 FXO analog ports. The 6204 supports 45 concurrent calls, and includes 2 FXO ports, and finally, the 6208 can handle 100 concurrent calls with 8 FXO ports. All models will include 2 FXS ports in addition to a T1 interface for customers who require a PRI (Primary Rate Interface) connection.

Finally, the best part: price. The UCM 6202 retails for $379.00, the 6204 is $410.00, and the 6208 comes out at $899.00. Considering what you get, that’s a steal. Start shopping around for FXO and FXS cards that can be used on other systems alone, and you will immediately see why this is such a great all-in-one package.

If you are looking for a replacement for your aging phone system, and you would like something packed with features, no licensing, and an intuitive interface, you should take a long look at Grandstream UCM. It is absolutely one of my favorite VoIP systems, and it comes from a very innovative company, Grandstream. Give VoIP Supply a call to find out more!

Polycom VVX410: Outbound Calls Suffer From a High Degree of Post Dial Delay

Our tech support team at VoIP Supply offers great pre- and post-sales support plus provisioning, consultations, configuration, and installation help. We get a lot of VoIP hardware and software questions and would like to share the solutions with everyone.

In previous Mom’s calling Q&A series, we have discussed: Connect Multiple Agents to the Same Softphone. Today, we have more new real questions and answers from VoIP users just like you.


Polycom VVX410 Outbound Calls Suffer From a High Degree of Post Dial Delay

VVX 410Q: We ordered 5 new VVX 410 Phones. They all have the new MAC structure. We provisioned them for our client to an on-prem asterisk server plus 2 other hosted servers (asterisk and broadsoft). In all cases, the phones are running 4.1.7 FW. Inbound calls work splendidly but outbound calls suffer from a high degree of Post Dial Delay. It connects eventually and the next outbound call works immediately. Then we reboot the phone to test it, the same issue happens again on all platforms. Has anyone seen this issue?

A: I would advise you to update the firmware from 4.1.7 to 5.3.3 since there may be some instability issues with older firmware. If certain phones are doing this then I would ping those IP’s on the network to see if there are latency issues with the phones.


Stay Tuned

Come back for more VoIP questions and answers next time! If you have VoIP questions to ask us, please submit a technical support ticket or contact our VoIP experts today at (866) 582-8591.

Sangoma’s FreePBX Modules: VQ Plus, Conference Pro, High Availability Disaster Recovery and Class of Service

sangoma-freepbxNote: This is part 4 of the 4-part Sangoma’s FreePBX Modules blog series. This blog series was co-written by Cody Blackley.

Previously we discussed Xact Dialer, Appointment Reminder, Parking Pro, Voicemail and Pin Set Pro. Today we will finish up our last part of Sangoma’s FreePBX Modules blog series by introducing VQ Plus, Conference Pro, High Availability Disaster Recovery and Class of Service. Let’s dive in.

VQ Plus

A virtual queue allows you to change the settings of a queue before a call is routed to the queue. This reduces the need for agents to log into multiple queues. For example, you could give VIP callers access to a VIP virtual queue that moves them to the front of the line in a real queue.


Learn more for FREE about the VQ Plus module

Conference Pro

Conference Pro allows end users to manage conference settings from the user control panel (UCP). Admin users can also easily create conference room IVRs and choose which conference rooms are part of the conference room IVR.




Learn more for FREE about the Conference Pro Module

High Availability Disaster Recovery

FreePBX High Availability is a commercially developed High Availability solution that has reworked the FreePBX platform to integrate DRDB, Cluster Manager, and Pacemaker. This enables automatic mirroring and failover between two FreePBX Systems. Your phones and devices are registered to a floating IP address, so the failover between systems will be transparent to them. Your SIP Trunks will register to the active node, and if utilizing a PSTN Failover Appliance, your T1 or Analog lines will be directed to the active node as well. When the primary PBX is repaired or recovers, you can then switch back to the primary FreePBX node.

Learn more for FREE about the High Availability Disaster Module

Class of Service

The Class of Service Administration module provides granular control at the extension level to access and set permissions of specific calling features of your PBX. These features include Outbound Routes, Feature Codes, Ring Groups, Queues, Conference Rooms, Voicemail Blast Groups, and Paging.


VoIP SMS Text Messaging – A convenient way to communicate

December 5, 2016 by Ying-Hui Chen


You may have noticed that almost everyone is texting around you, or, not surprisingly, maybe yourself is also one of the heavy text message users like me.

83% of American adults own mobile phones and three-quarters of them (73%) send and receive text messages. – According to PewResearch Center‘s research.

Why do so many people love SMS text messaging? Quick answer – it’s simple, clear and fast. Text messaging is a way to communicate privately and precisely. Compared to talking in person, it’s a better way to communicate without being heard by others around you.

instant-messagingOne time I had to contact an online bookstore to ask if they had the book I needed. I was in a quiet library so I had to rush out to make the call. Unfortunately, the person who answered the phone had me wait out in the cold for 20 minutes and came back with a 2-second disappointing answer: “No, we don’t have it”. I was frustrated and gave up my book search for a while.

Luckily things are different now. With a lot of businesses offering instant messaging customer service, I can contact them anytime and work on other things while waiting for the answers. Communication is easier than ever.


Giving customers a convenient way to communicate is how a business stands out among their competitors.

VoIP is your best way to give your customers a preferred way to communicate. VoIP service not only provides you instant messaging, chat and SMS tools but also integrates them all together in one place for easy management. You are able to message customers, your co-workers or employees right from  your own desktop computer.

voicemail-to-textEven better, VoIP service also offers voicemail to text features, which transfers your voicemails into a transcription for you to read whenever it’s convenient. You can simply save the important information in a text format for future reference.

A quality customer service and efficient work environment start with VoIP service. Do you prefer SMS text messaging? What are  your reasons? Share with us!

Sangoma’s FreePBX Modules: Xact Dialer, Appointment Reminder, Parking Pro, Voicemail and Pin Set Pro

sangoma-freepbxNote: This is part 3 of the 4-part Sangoma’s FreePBX Modules blog series. This blog series was co-written by Cody Blackley.

Last time, we talked about Paging Pro, VM Notify, Fax Pro, Call Recording and Q-Xact. Today we will look into more Sangoma’s FreePBX Modules including Xact Dialer, Appointment Reminder, Parking Pro, Voicemail and Pin Set Pro.

Xact Dialer

Make your outbound dialing easier and remove any room for dialing the wrong number. Simply create a campaign list and which extension you would like these calls sent to.

  • Upload CSV lists
  • Schedule call times
  • View service call thresholds
  • Complete reports on person/voicemail and duration
  • Route calls based on whether person or voicemail answered
  • Pause active campaigns

Appointment Reminder

With this add-on you’re able to schedule appoints within your PBX and have them automatically call the specified number at a certain time.

Appointment Reminder Example

Get all the details for FREE for Appointment Reminder

Parking Pro

This module gives you the ability to have multiple parking lots for calls that can be handled right away and also automatically announces to your team that a call is in the parking lot.

Learn more for FREE about the Parking Pro module

Parking Pro Example

Voicemail Reports

Allows you to quickly view the voicemail greetings and settings for each user, see who needs to record greetings, and see who is set up to receive voicemail to email.


Learn more for FREE about the Voicemail Reports module

Pin Set Pro

Pin Set Pro gives you access to an exportable call detail report and billable hours summary. This information is simple to generate and can be exported to your favorite spreadsheet application.

Pin set Pro

Learn more for FREE about the Pin Set Pro module

Wondering if there’s more to come? Of course. We will be introducing more Sangoma’s FreePBX modules in the next blog: VQ Plus, Conference Pro, High Availability Disaster Recovery and Class of Service.

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