Do you have in house talent to maintain your VoIP system?
It seems that PSTN lines are just about a thing of the past. No matter what the size of your business is, the smart thing to do is get yourself on a VoIP network. This can do several things for you and your business.
Obviously, cost savings is the first thing that comes to mind, but there is so much more. Being able to work from remote locations, and the ease of using a feature-rich phone to help your business run more efficiently are just a couple examples of the VoIP advantage.
While this all seems great, often times VoIP is a little bit more involved and can be misinterpreted as something more along the lines of ‘plug-and-play.’ This especially goes for people who are choosing to have an on-premise VoIP system.
I cannot make this any more clear when I say “MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SOMEONE ON STAFF TO MAINTAIN YOUR VOIP SYSTEM.” There are a number of issues that can arise if you do not have someone there that knows what they are doing.
In fact, this is so important that we felt we needed to make a video to help make people more aware, or just to simply remind those who are running the rise of disaster by not having someone knowledgeable at their disposal.
So sit back, pop some popcorn and watch as we cover the question “Do you have in-house talent to maintain your VoIP system?” And if you find that you still have questions after the video, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-398-8647