Our tech support team at VoIP Supply offers great pre- and post-sales support plus provisioning, consultations, configuration, and installation help. We get a lot of VoIP hardware and software questions and would like to share the solutions with everyone.
In the previous Mom’s calling Q&A series, we have discussed: VoIP Terms: How Many Seats? Today, we have more new real questions and answers from VoIP users just like you.
Q: Is there a specific trick to answering a concurrent call when you’re already on a call with someone else? We should be able to place a current call on hold to answer a second call on the same handset, but we can’t get it to work. Our phones are finicky when we try to call 1-800 #s or 1-888s, just like when we used to make out of area calls. I tried setting them as prefixes a month or two ago but it wouldn’t save, and now I can’t remember how I got to the module to edit the call prefixes in the first place.
A: The prefixes are based in the Outbound Routes section in the Dial Pattern. Do you have call waiting with your provider? If so, call waiting would have to be established on the PBX system. You can just use the dial pattern wizard if you were NOT to customize the pattern: https://wiki.freepbx.org/display/FPG/Call+Waiting+Module+User+Guide
Stay Tuned
Come back for more VoIP questions and answers next time! If you have VoIP questions to ask us, please submit a technical support ticket or contact our VoIP experts today at 866-582-8591!
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