Our tech support team at VoIP Supply offers great pre- and post-sales support plus provisioning, consultations, configuration, and installation help. We get a lot of VoIP hardware and software questions and would like to share the solutions with everyone.
In previous Mom’s calling Q&A series, we have discussed: How Can I Pick Up Another Phone to Talk to the Same Call In? Today, we have more new real questions and answers from VoIP users just like you.
Q: We just got a Switchvox from you guys and need a little guidance in getting these Cisco phones registered on the device. Can you help? Thanks!
A: Your Cisco phones will need to be manually provisioned via their web interfaces. Make sure you have an extension built prior so you can enter the SIP credentials to the phone. You can also contact Digium directly for support.
Generally, you will go to Setup-> Extensions -> Manage -> Create Extension, Select SIP phone, and fill out the parameters. It will auto generate a SIP password which should be found in either the “Other Manufacturers” or “Common Settings” tab. The extension and SIP password are the SIP credentials to enter in your SPA phones in its account settings. We can set up a support call to go through this if you would like to.
Come back for more VoIP questions and answers next time! If you have VoIP questions to ask us, please submit a technical support ticket or contact our VoIP experts today at 1-800-398-VoIP or at voipexperts@voipsupply.com
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