Category Archives: VoIP Commentary

The VoIP industry is fast paced and ever changing. The VoIP Insider makes keeping up to date with trends, themes and emerging players in the market with weekly editorial commentary from some of the industries best and brightest.

Consumers cutting VoIP?

June 29, 2009
There's an interesting new survey out by Alcatel-Lucent that's raising some eyebrows within the VoIP industry. The reason? The report noted that a portion of the respondents ... READ MORE

Getting your numbers ported faster

May 21, 2009
Hidden in last week's news that the FCC would soon be imposing new regulations requiring VoIP providers to provide ā€œreasonable noticeā€ to customers and regulatory ... READ MORE

POTS lines are an endangered species

May 11, 2009
I knowĀ the title of this post is telling you something that you probably already know. Unfortunately, not everyone is as informed as you are. Case in ... READ MORE

SIP Trunking Redux

May 4, 2009
Back in October 2008 we featured a piece on SIP Trunking, which explained the basics of the technology and the potential benefits for business users. SIP ... READ MORE

Will high definition or standards revive voice communications?

April 13, 2009
Daniel Berninger penned a guest piece on Jeff Pulver's blog this morning entitled, "The HD Connect Manifesto" which anoints high definition voice as the savior ... READ MORE

Google voice and voice based search

April 6, 2009
Ever since Google relaunched GrandCentral as Google voice a few weeks ago I've been thinking about what Google voice's true purpose and future might entail. ... READ MORE

Do you want Google near your voice mail?

March 23, 2009
I know I don't. Over the past few days the relaunch of GrandCentral as Google Voice has generated a robust discussion about what Google is planning ... READ MORE

Where’s the money in wireless VoIP? Manufacturing.

February 23, 2009
Acme widgets is a leading manufacturer of widgets. Acme got to the top of the widget world with their nimble nature and great internal communications. This ... READ MORE

Where’s the money in wireless VoIP? Part 2

February 18, 2009
It might be tough for you to imagine today's school environment. You've probably been out of school for years. Even if you're blessed to have children ... READ MORE

Where’s the money in wireless VoIP?

February 16, 2009
You have a compelling wireless VoIP product. You have a great channel program for that wireless VoIP product. Now what? Over the last four days a flood ... READ MORE
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