Our tech support team at VoIP Supply offers great pre- and post-sales support plus provisioning, consultations, configuration, and installation help. We get a lot of VoIP hardware and software questions and would like to share the solutions with everyone.
In previous Mom’s calling Q&A series, we have discussed: Which AudioCodes Phone Can I Use When I Move to Teams? Today, we have more new real questions and answers from VoIP users just like you.
Q: I am looking to purchase a RenegadePBX Pro 75, is the Sangoma A101D compatible with this unit?
A: Yes, the RenegadePBX Pro 75 features a PCI slot. The RenegadePBX 1U appliance features 2 PCI slots. The RenegadePBX appliances come with pre-loaded FreePBX open source software. Sangoma also offers a managed fax solution you can add on. Check FAXStation here to learn more.
Come back for more VoIP questions and answers next time! If you have VoIP questions to ask us, please submit a technical support ticket or contact our VoIP experts today at (866) 582-8591
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