Buffalo Business First Featured VoIP Supply’s Cool Office Lifestyle

July 13, 2017 by Ying-Hui Chen

vs_office1Amherst, NY – VoIP Supply’s office was featured by Buffalo Business First as a cool office in the Western New York area, highlighting its full-sized kitchen, the entertaining lounge area as well as the two gym areas with a shower!

Walking through VoIP Supply’s front door, a bowl of candies puts some smiles on the employee’s faces. Every Monday, the company starts with an all-staff meeting on the “lawn”, a bright green carpet that looks and feels like grass. Aside from discussing the business goals and performance, the employee of the week is selected to play a Plinko game for prizes including beer, gift cards, and paid time off.

After the office remodeling about two years ago, VoIP Supply’s workplace was brightened up with vibrant colors and posters that encapsulate the company’s five core values. On the second floor of the warehouse space sits the staff lounge with two gym areas, couches, TV set with gaming console as well as a shower for employees to use after a workout. The office is also pet-friendly which means employees are allowed to bring their pets to work.vs_office2

A full-sized kitchen with a double-sized steel fridge makes sure the employees have enough space to store their lunches and snacks. A full stove, oven, microwave, and toaster are also available at all times.

VoIP Supply’s office sets an example of great work-life balance and makes their employees feel comfortable coming to work every day.

“We work hard, and we play hard,” said Mary Cheney, VoIP Supply’s marketing supervisor. “We’re a family company, and having everything you’d have at home reinforces that.”

See the original Buffalo Business First post here.

Watch the video below to hear what VoIP Supply’s employees have to say about working at VoIP Supply!

About VoIP Supply

Established in 2002, VoIP Supply is known as a leading VoIP hardware and service solutions provider in North America, delivering valuable VoIP solutions for over 125,000 customers worldwide. Located in Amherst, NY with a full team of marketers, engineers, and salespeople, VoIP Supply also operates an office in Las Vegas to provide fulfillment services. To learn more about VoIP Supply visit www.voipsupply.com or call 1-800-398-8647.  

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