Author Archives: Nathan Miloszewski

Nate is VoIP Supply's former Content Marketing Manager.

When You Need Polycom, VoIP Supply’s the Platinum Partner to Rely On

May 16, 2013
VoIP Supply has been selling Polycom phones for over 10 years and now we're proud to announce that we've reached the Platinum level of Polycom's ... READ MORE

How to Become a Telemedicine Provider

May 15, 2013
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Polycom Telemedicine (Andy G / Flickr)[/caption] Telemedicine is now "mainstream," reports Medical Economics writer, Beth Thomas Hertz. Citing a report from InMedica, Hertz ... READ MORE

5 Reasons Virtual Doctor Visits Are Better

May 8, 2013
How would you rather spend your time online if you had a health concern; searching WebMD or speaking with a real doctor through video conferencing? MobiHealthNews ... READ MORE

5 Reasons Virtual Doctor Visits Are Better

How would you rather spend your time online if you had a health concern; searching WebMD or speaking with a real doctor through video conferencing? MobiHealthNews ... READ MORE

VoIP Supply Nominated for Buffalo Niagara Business Ethics Award

May 3, 2013
VoIP Supply's mission is to do well, so that it can do good for the community. That's why we're so proud to announce our nomination for ... READ MORE

15 Business Trends to Avoid

May 2, 2013
Small businesses hear about trends all the time. In theory, a lot of them sound like great ideas to boost sales or add traffic to ... READ MORE

Beer Club at Work Promotes Corporate Team Building

May 1, 2013
If you like beer, you'll love KegWorks, the online supplier of "tools for drinking." KegWorks is one our local friends here in the Buffalo area who ... READ MORE

Schools Updating IP Paging Systems Increase Security, Improve Response Time, and Avoid Incidents

April 26, 2013
VoIP Supply is featuring the latest IP Paging devices from three of the top paging and intercom manufacturers to help schools modernize their emergency notification ... READ MORE

Why Content Marketing Matters

April 23, 2013
The Ad Club of Buffalo has invited Garrett Smith, CMO of VoIP Supply, to speak on their panel, Why Content Marketing Matters at their monthly ... READ MORE

Earth Day with A Pear Tree

April 22, 2013
VoIP Supply celebrated Earth Day today by planting a pear tree. We now have eight months to find a partridge to stick in it for the ... READ MORE
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