Author Archives: Garrett Smith

Garrett is the former VoIP Supply CMO.

Gentech Wireless Announces Dual Network Access For GSM Cell Phone Users

April 30, 2008
GENTECH Board of Directors announce greater control of cell phone bills GENTECH Wireless Inc. (“GENTECH”) announced today that its Board of Directors has approved the dual ... READ MORE

IPCS Word of the Day: Analog

April 29, 2008
Hi all you IPCS fanatics! In order to further help you when considering buying an IP camera, we are going to have some educational ... READ MORE

Guest Poster Khyle Keys Says ‘Sit down, have a drink from the TAP’

With the rapid acceptance of VoIP in the marketplace and the inroads VoIP providers are making into businesses and residential markets, VoIP is certainly going ... READ MORE

National Real Estate Trust Purchases VoIP Phone System

April 25, 2008
VoIP Supply has supplied a 200+ user SwitchVox phone system to Glimcher Realty Trust. Glimcher Realty Trust, one of the nation’s premier real estate investment trusts. ... READ MORE

Welcome to the IPCS Blog!

We're here! Welcome to the IP Camera Supply Blog! We noticed a lot of folks out there have a lot of questions about IP cameras, and not ... READ MORE

The go3 Genie Guarantee: Poof! New Phone!

April 24, 2008
Typical Guarantee line of Questioning “May I ask, what is your back-up plan?” Have you ever been asked this question by a salesperson? I’m asking you ... READ MORE

The Anatomy of an Open Source Phone System

April 23, 2008
Yesterday I was conducting a product training for three of our new sales hires and we started to talk about open source phone systems. As ... READ MORE

VoIP Supply in the News

VoIP Supply just keeps popping up everywhere! Buffalo Rising, Buffalo's metropolitan community news blog, featured a story on helping colleges and universities become better connected ... READ MORE

HP iPaq 510 Dual Phone Review

April 22, 2008
Latest Dual Phone Review Today’s topic will be on the latest Dual Mode phone I have come to love. Now, not too long ago I talked ... READ MORE

VoIP Supply Improves College Campus Connectivity

April 21, 2008
VoIP Supply outfits Alderson-Broaddus College with a 200+ seat PBX phone system. Located in West Virginia, Alderson-Broaddus, the 635-student college founded over 100 years ago, purchased ... READ MORE
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