Author Archives: Garrett Smith

Garrett is the former VoIP Supply CMO.

IPCS Word(s) of the Day: Digital Zoom

May 20, 2008
Digital Zoom = Digital zoom is not really zoom, in the strictest definition of the term.  What digital zoom does is enlarge a portion of ... READ MORE

Jangl and LiveUniverse a Perfect Fit?

May 19, 2008
Over the last two weeks, rumors have swirled around the industry as to the fate of the once promising voice start-up Jangl, who looked to ... READ MORE

Trixbox Integrates GPL Patched/Forked Version of FreePBX

VentureVoIP has an interesting story commenting on a recent post on the Trixbox Forum. As you may know, Trixbox began as Asterisk@Home, and was rebranded Trixbox. ... READ MORE

IPCS Word(s) of the Day: Day/Night Camera

Day/Night Camera = "Day/Night Cameras" are regular cameras with an especially sensitive CCD chip that allows a good image to be captured in very low ... READ MORE

You Have PTZ On the Dome!

May 16, 2008
Making the decision to do a PTZ upgrade was step one, so now we need to move into our next phase of choosing what type ... READ MORE

Portable Skype AND a PSP?

Sony and Skype so happy together? Well here it is people. Skype is working with Sony to make a portable game station, mini DVD player, Wi-Fi ... READ MORE

IPCS Word of the Day: Covert

Covert =  A covert application refers to a situation where you don't want the person to know that they are being watched or recorded.  Also ... READ MORE

Citel Acquired by Tortel USA, LLC

May 15, 2008
Just had a surprise visit from the folks at Tortel USA, LLC, whom have a local office in the Buffalo, NY area. I was surprised ... READ MORE

Linksys Visits IPCS

The folks at Linksys were nice enough to come visit our offices and teach us more about the features Linksys IP Camera systems have to ... READ MORE

Realtime Review of Nimbuzz

Nimbuzz: is it buzz worthy? Taking a look at for the latest releases, I came across this little article. The piece talks about a beta ... READ MORE
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