Author Archives: Garrett Smith

Garrett is the former VoIP Supply CMO.

Join VoIP Supply’s Social Media Revolution

May 23, 2008
Yes! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter! We recognize that social media has a huge impact on how we communicate with our customers and those curious about ... READ MORE

VoIP Market’s Identity Crisis

May 22, 2008
Up or Down? What's it going to be? VoIP market growing in cable sector, yet shows downturn in first quarter subscription lines Being in VoIP marketing, I ... READ MORE

Buying an IP Camera-The Final Step

You're ready to buy!  So what happens now?  So many factors could influence a buying decision of this caliber since the choices for products are ... READ MORE

IPCS Word(s) of the Day: DVR

DVR = Digital Video Recorder. Fundamentally not much different than the TiVo box sitting on top of your television, but it records video streams ... READ MORE

DECT vs. Wi-Fi Death Match…Who Will Be Victorious?

Today I am talking about DECT and Wi-Fi Technologies, and who I think will win out in the end in an endless battle for supremacy. ... READ MORE

Spitting is a Dirty Habit

May 21, 2008
Spit = Spam over Internet protocol. Who knew? I've heard everything from Spam to Phishing to Vishing to Chicken Scratch.  Next up in the hacker field could ... READ MORE

Job Coaching from Tim Berners-Lee

GigaOm mentions an upcoming interactive "round table" discussion being hosted by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute on June 11th called Tetherless World Research Constellation. The panel ... READ MORE

IPCS Word(s) of the Day: Dome Camera

Dome Camera = A type of camera with a dome-like shape. Some come with infrared lighting and some are designed to be tamper-proof. ... READ MORE

What Do You Know About TBCS?

May 20, 2008
In the telecom industry, new products, ideas, and companies seem to come and go like the wind, but one thing remains constant-Tennessee Business Communication Services. ... READ MORE

Zaptel – Who’s your DAHDI?

Digium announced yesterday that due to trademark issues, they will be renaming "Zaptel" to "DAHDI", which stands for "Digium Asterisk Hardware Device Interface". Zaptel is an ... READ MORE
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