Author Archives: Garrett Smith

Garrett is the former VoIP Supply CMO.

Ask Mr. Andrews: What is HD Voice?

November 4, 2008
Q: Dear Mr. Andrews, I have heard some terms lately including “HD Voice”, “Wideband VoIP” and “Wideband Audio." Do you know what’s behind this and ... READ MORE

20 FREE SIP Softphones

This post was originally written by Garrett Smith in 2008, and edited by Ying-Hui (Evy) Chen on Oct. 30th, 2020.  I occasionally run into folks who ... READ MORE

Small Business VoIP Requirements List

November 3, 2008
If you are a small business it is tempting to simply throw caution to the wind when selecting the right VoIP solution. Even though VoIP ... READ MORE

Need an IP PBX? 101104 Alternatives to Cisco and Avaya.

October 31, 2008
A few months ago I began compiling a list of IP PBX products and other telephony platforms that are either directly Open Source, or are ... READ MORE

Polycom SIP Firmware 3.1 Released: What’s in it for me?

October 30, 2008
Polycom recently announced the release of SIP Firmware version 3.1 for their popular SoundPoint IP Series telephones. Feature enhancements in this release include: Enhanced Feature Keys Configurable ... READ MORE

Demystifying Linksys Part Numbers

October 29, 2008
SD. RV0. SPA. ABC..DEF...ugh. If you are like me, you probably want to pull your hair out when confronted by the alphabet soup of product names ... READ MORE

9 Steps to Selecting an IP Phone

October 27, 2008
An IP Phone - It's just a phone. Really, there's no way it could be difficult to select the right one for your needs, right? Well, not ... READ MORE

Is Mobile VoIP Ready For Your Business?

October 24, 2008
A few weeks ago, I was interviewed for a TechTarget piece on Mobile VoIP. One of the set's of questions that I was asked had to ... READ MORE

Get a FREE Linksys WRT54GL

A quick pause from our normal posting in order to help pay the bills. We are currently giving away a FREE Linksys WRT54GL ($70 dollar value) ... READ MORE

How to Display Flickr Photos on your Polycom IP Phone

October 22, 2008
Photo sharing service Flickr is arguably the most popular such service on the web (sorry Photobucket :(). I'm sure many of our readers use Flickr ... READ MORE
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