Hotel PBX and PMS Systems: 3CX Hotel Module vs Xorcom Complete Concierge

August 15, 2017 by Brian Hyrek

The communication expenses remain the top expense list for most of the hotel businesses despite that more hotel guests are using personal mobile devices than ever before. In order for hotels to survive and become competitive in the hospitality industry, switching to a VoIP system becomes a wise choice in terms of cost savings, work efficiency, and customer experience.

Recently, I have received some inquiries from customers about the 3CX hotel module and the Xorcom Complete Concierge. They were interested in learning about their features, highlights, and the differences between these two solutions. So, let’s dive in together!

The 3CX Hotel Module 

The Hotel PBX is designed for hospitality environments which enable functions such as guest Check In and Check Out, setting guest extensions to Do No Disturb (DND), and allowing housekeeping to set room status through their phones. See the complete 3CX Hotel Module Feature list.

If you are looking for a low cost and easy-to-manage PBX solution, the 3CX Hotel Module will be ideal for you. This solution runs on mainstream operating systems with little required training and you are able to leverage existing hardware, wiring, and low cost open standard hardware. The 3CX Hotel PBX also integrates with PMS system to ensure that all staff can perform most functions within the Hotel Management Software. See a list of PMS systems that the 3CX Hotel PBX works with!

Access to 3CX Datasheet

Access to 3CX Phone System Brochure

The Xorcom Complete Concierge

Similar to the 3CX Hotel Module, the Xorcom Hotel IP PBX system also utilizes existing infrastructure and provides advanced phone features to improve the business process in the hospitality sector. The Complete Concierge PMS interface supports a wide range of PMS systems to ensure a smooth process for check-in/check-out, reporting room status and managing wakeup calls. Check out the Complete Concierge Feature List here!

With the ability to administer large numbers of analog extensions side by side with VoIP extensions and trunks, the Xorcom Complete Concierge is ideal for hotels with existing analog infrastructure to the rooms.

Access to Xorcom Complete Concierge User Guide

The 3CX Hotel Module and the Xorcom Complete Concierge both offer a variety of useful features. Use the comparison chart below to compare their similar features side by side!


Do you have more questions about the PBX solutions for the hospitality industry? Give me a call at 716-531-4318! I will be happy to help you find the best VoIP system for your business.

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