Many of our customers have never worked from home before, and for some it can be an overwhelming situation, especially now, with your kids being at home.
We here at VoIP Supply have always had a work from home policy, and we wanted to share some of our favorite tips!
It’s very important that you keep your colleagues and even your kids in the loop!
Start a group chat with your team and ensure people are checking in. Simple things like letting your team know when you are taking breaks, in meetings, etc. It’s also important to let your family (who might be at home with you) know these things too. Showing them your calendar for the day can be very useful, especially for when you need to make those important calls! on when you will be on important call (my babysitter actually asked me this, so thank you Ariel!).
Keeping your daily routine as normal as possible will help keep everyone in a better mood. I know it can be difficult, but set that alarm, get up and try to do what you would do if you were going into the office or taking your kids to school.
When you are working from home, it’s easy to lose track of time and not disconnect from work. Be sure you are setting specific hours and sticking to them. You don’t want to get burned out!
If you have the space, try to create your own little office space when possible. This will prevent distractions and allow you to focus on what you need to accomplish for the day. If that’s not possible then make sure you have a good pair of noise cancelling headphones.
It is important to have a social life outside work but also stay engaged with your colleagues. Use FaceTime, Google Hangouts and schedule a video lunch hour with your team! Check in with each othereachother and make sure everyone is doing ok!
Even if the weather isn’t that great, it’s important to get up from your remote office and walk around the house or even get some fresh air in the backyard. It’s easy to forget to get up, so set a timer (or tell your kids to come get you).
Try to set up your day and your kids activities the night before so you are ready to go! So far this has been very helpful, not easy, but helpful. Setting the coffee pot in the morning, getting crafts and school work ready, heck we even made cookie dough the night before so the kids could cut out cookies while we worked! See the Snom D815 SIP Phone like never before in this exclusive Product Feature…
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