3 part series by Anthony Cafaro
Part 1

Working in the IP industry on a daily basis whether it is in new technology, sales or marketing has been a privilege to explore the fast paced and industrial changes that make this field, so unique. I guess this privilege has also led me to believe that the world is the same inside and outside my box. Which in fact is; “NOT TRUE” at all!

So I decided to break down the three types of inbound call inquiries that frequent our queue on a day-to-day basis (of course not that many people are losing sheep and we have way more than just 1 sexy camera in stock)

1. “I’m looking for a security system”
2. “Someone is steeling my sheep and I want to find out who”
3. “I need the Sexy Samsung SCC-C9302F in my life, do you have any in Stock”

2 of these 3 types of questions reflect early adopters of the IP surveillance industry who know they need a solution, but do not know where to begin or even what this ‘so called’ IP buzz is all about. With this dilemma in mind, “So What’s All This IP Stuff Anyway” was born……



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