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The VoIP Supply President, Paula Griffo, and I just got back from the MOBOTIX East Coast Partner Conference on Friday and are we excited where this security company is going!

VOIP Supply and MOBOTIX have had a beautiful relationship for years. When the MOBOTIX Partner Program went into effect last year, VoIP Supply was immediately an Advanced Partner. We’ve been trained on the products and we can get directly on the phone with MOBOTIX, which is a huge benefit to you, our customers.

If you’re not familiar with MOBOTIX, they are a full solution surveillance company. Dr. Ralf Hinkle founded the company back in 1999 in Germany by building a DVR directly into an IP camera. This decentralized system was revolutionary, and since then MOBOTIX …

First Look
More from IP Camera Supply

IP Cameras catch thieves at gas station pumps.

It’s important to watch what happens in the video. It is not what you would expect. For all of those gas station owners there are many advantages offered by IP camera surveillance technologies. Not only do they ensure the protection of your investment but they protect your customers. Because in the end that is all that you have…your customers. If they are not happy, and at a minimum–safe, then there is no way that they will return to your business.…

Lux = Used more often than lumens when discussing security cameras, a lux is a unit of illumination. It measures the amount of uniform light that falls on one square meter (expressed in one lumen per square meter). Security camera specs use the lux to indicate how much light they require to operate, with lower lux levels indicating a camera as more effective in lower ambient light. Look for 0.2 lux or less when choosing a low-light camera, and two lux or higher for daylight cameras. Refer to the specification sheet of the individual camera to see its lux rating. Below is a standard Lux Chart for your reference.


Russian Office Security Camera in use

Warning: this video is graphic in nature. It had been making it’s way across the webosphere this past week, and I was encouraged to post it by both my friends and colleagues.

This video shows the ‘why,’ we here at IPCS are here to show you ‘how.’

What’s important about commercial or office security cameras is that they enable businesses to keep an eye on threats to the company from the outside and the inside of the building. Especially when using IP Camera surveillance technology which allows remote access by simply going to the correct IP address. Office IP surveillance cameras are used regularly to ensure that the building remains safe from breaking and entering, but at the same …

IR= Infrared, assists with recording in near or total darkness. Many cameras have IR capabilities, both analog and IP. Some cameras have IR LEDs surrounding the lens of the camera that will kick on in low light or dark conditions, generating IR light which is invisible to the human eye, but which the camera can see. Think of it like an “invisible flashlight.” IR is often necessary when users want their security cameras to be able to continue to monitor events under low light conditions, or total darkness.…

Our good friend Jon Arnold plugged this very site yesterday on his blog and pointed out that we have the best answers for IP Camera questions. We really are striving to create a conversation regarding anything that you may want to know, and you can ask us anonymously if you wish. Whatever the IP Camera topic, feel free to contact us with questions, news, ideas, anything you want. And Jon–thanks for the nod!

The Buffalo Police Department is investigating a hit-and-run accident involving an SUV registered to Buffalo Bills’ running back Marshawn Lynch. According to a Buffalo Police Department spokesman it remains unclear whether the running back was in the SUV when it struck and injured a female pedestrian at approximately 3:30 a.m. Saturday in the Chippewa Entertainment District. Lynch is not known to have been in the vehicle. Now you are probably wondering what this has to do with IP Cameras…well a lot. You see Buffalo recently installed IP Cameras in that area of downtown as an on going initiative to make the streets safer after hours. The accident occurred right below the installed IP Camera. The woman who was injured in the incident has since …

Half Duplex = This is an audio convention. A half-duplex system provides for communication in both directions, but only one direction at a time (not simultaneously). Typically, once a party begins receiving a signal, it must wait for the transmitter to stop transmitting, before replying. IP Cameras will either support Half Duplex (One Way) or Full Duplex (Two Way) audio capabilities.…

Microsoft’s sales force amping up IP surveillance pitch

Just finished reading Michael Fickes article on Microsoft’s sales force’s adjusted stance on the company’s global security department. What does that mean? Well it means the global security department is about to be put to work. It looks like Microsoft talked with local, state and federal agencies about Microsoft’s products, the G.S.O.C’s. What’s a G.S.O.C? Well its Microsoft’s Global Security Operations Centers…GSOC’s just sounds so much cooler.

What Happens at a GSOC?

They are state-of-the-art centers that manage video surveillance and access control systems. They lock and unlock doors, they can dispatch security officers and vehicles, and they can host emergency operations teams.

For more on the GSOC’s and Microsoft’s huge sales force read on…