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The VoIP Supply President, Paula Griffo, and I just got back from the MOBOTIX East Coast Partner Conference on Friday and are we excited where this security company is going!

VOIP Supply and MOBOTIX have had a beautiful relationship for years. When the MOBOTIX Partner Program went into effect last year, VoIP Supply was immediately an Advanced Partner. We’ve been trained on the products and we can get directly on the phone with MOBOTIX, which is a huge benefit to you, our customers.

If you’re not familiar with MOBOTIX, they are a full solution surveillance company. Dr. Ralf Hinkle founded the company back in 1999 in Germany by building a DVR directly into an IP camera. This decentralized system was revolutionary, and since then MOBOTIX …

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More from IP Camera Supply

Resolution= Refers to how much detail can be captured on a camera or displayed on a monitor. Cameras typically capture about 380 horizontal lines of resolution. High resolution analog cameras may capture 450 lines of resolution or more. High resolution IP cameras can record and stream in HD/Megapixel quality. The higher the resolution, the more detail that can be captured in a picture. The monitors and recording devices can generally handle at least as much resolution as the cameras can capture. Also remember that higher resolution images capture larger size frames (file size), and therefor, require more bandwidth to transport and more storage space to archive.…

Progressive Scan = The process whereby a picture is created by scanning all of the lines of a frame in one pass. Many analog surveillance cameras use Interlaced Scan as opposed to Progressive Scan, and are not good at capturing moving objects with clarity. Most IP cameras use Progressive Scan, making them superior for tracking and capturing moving objects, such as a license plate on a vehicle.…

Since the inception of ipcamerasupply.com we have been fortunate enough to have a dedicated group of installers, network consultants, VoIP enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and webmasters who have put time and effort to helping our business grow. These fast growing vehicles of young “feet on the street” are called our affiliates.

Our sister company’s (VoIP Supply) affiliate program was originally put in place to provide our customers a way of delivering products to their customers and colleagues directly via our online store. In turn we have been able to track these purchases by their referral link and award affiliates on a percentage of the total sale made. With the success of the VoIP Supply affiliate program, we decided to replicate the model for our IP Camera Supply …