I've been talking about IP camera types in the last few posts and now I'd like to begin highlighting these…
An IP camera, also called a network camera, is a camera with an IP network connection. It can also be…
I've talked about the advantages of IP cameras and where they are used but, there is a lot to choose…
If you've been considering the advantages of an IP camera based surveillance system but are wondering if this is a…
Thinking about switching to an IP camera based system but you're not sure if it's right for you or, if…
Video Server (Encoder) = This enables an analog camera to be converted into an IP camera, able to stream digital…
You're ready to buy! So what happens now? So many factors could influence a buying decision of this caliber since…
Making the decision to do a PTZ upgrade was step one, so now we need to move into our next…
(Part two of a four-part series on PTZ) Who really gains from PTZ? Business Owners Employees The General Public Insurance…
First in a four part series So it's not the sexy new Pontiac G8 designed to rival the M3 or…