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Recent posts by Garrett on IP Camera Supply

I remember when I used to teach Social Studies, specifically while I was student teaching, a student would come up to me and ask me a question to which I had no idea what the answer was. If this happened in front of the whole class, this could be a source of embarrassment. If it was in front of the class and the principal (who dropped by to observe you) heard you fumbling for the answer…LOOK OUT!

Now, that being said, management of the classroom involves several tricks. Ask any teacher and they’ll tell you that you have to know your content, but also have excellent “stage presence”. Stay on your toes and be prepared for anything.

When a student came up to me and …

F = In optics, the f-number (sometimes called focal ratio, f-ratio, or relative aperture) of an optical system expresses the diameter of the entrance pupil in terms of the effective focal length of the lens; in simpler terms, the f-number is the focal length divided by the aperture diameter. It is a dimensionless number that is a quantitative measure of lens speed, an important concept in photography. Depth of field increases with f-number, as illustrated in the photos below:


You’re ready to buy!  So what happens now?  So many factors could influence a buying decision of this caliber since the choices for products are endless.  It’s almost like choosing one of three doors and hoping for the best, which would be fine if you were Indiana Jones.  My goal is to have you walking away from this four-part series with the confidence to buy the right product at just the right price point.

Step one:  let’s structure your price point to meet your needs.  If you’re going to make an investment in outdoor surveillance YOU WILL pay more.  Let’s face it, materials and accessories are one surefire way to bulk up your order total.  With an approximately 25 percent price difference, a several …

Digital Zoom = Digital zoom is not really zoom, in the strictest definition of the term.  What digital zoom does is enlarge a portion of the image, thus ‘simulating’ optical zoom.  In other words, the camera crops a portion of the image and then enlarges it back to size.  In so doing, you lose image quality.  If you’ve been regularly using digital zoom and wondered why your images did not look that great, now you know.…

Day/Night Camera = “Day/Night Cameras” are regular cameras with an especially sensitive CCD chip that allows a good image to be captured in very low ambient lighting (regular lighting – not infrared). Do not confuse these cameras with “Night Vision” cameras which is another name for infrared (IR) cameras. Refer to the manufacturer specification to determine if your particular camera is classified as a “Day/Night” camera.…

Making the decision to do a PTZ upgrade was step one, so now we need to move into our next phase of choosing what type of PTZ camera you will need.  Ultimately the topic discussed here today can be applied over several different options when buying an IP Surveillance Camera.

Our very first question is none other than… “Is the camera going to be located indoors or outdoors?”  This will give us the first ideas as to what types of enclosure you’ll need to support your new surveillance set-up. 

Enclosures and location will go hand in hand when taking the first leaps of your purchase.  Dome is the most viable solution with all of these circumstances.  Going with a ceiling or wall mount can work …

Covert =  A covert application refers to a situation where you don’t want the person to know that they are being watched or recorded.  Also known as ‘hidden’ cameras or “nanny cams.” Covert cameras are typically legal in a residential setting.  Individual states have various laws concerning the videotaping of employees or business patrons.  In many states, it is necessary to post signage notifying employees and/or business patrons that they are under video surveillance.…