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Recent posts by Garrett on IP Camera Supply

The Buffalo Police Department is investigating a hit-and-run accident involving an SUV registered to Buffalo Bills’ running back Marshawn Lynch. According to a Buffalo Police Department spokesman it remains unclear whether the running back was in the SUV when it struck and injured a female pedestrian at approximately 3:30 a.m. Saturday in the Chippewa Entertainment District. Lynch is not known to have been in the vehicle. Now you are probably wondering what this has to do with IP Cameras…well a lot. You see Buffalo recently installed IP Cameras in that area of downtown as an on going initiative to make the streets safer after hours. The accident occurred right below the installed IP Camera. The woman who was injured in the incident has since …

Half Duplex = This is an audio convention. A half-duplex system provides for communication in both directions, but only one direction at a time (not simultaneously). Typically, once a party begins receiving a signal, it must wait for the transmitter to stop transmitting, before replying. IP Cameras will either support Half Duplex (One Way) or Full Duplex (Two Way) audio capabilities.…

Microsoft’s sales force amping up IP surveillance pitch

Just finished reading Michael Fickes article on Microsoft’s sales force’s adjusted stance on the company’s global security department. What does that mean? Well it means the global security department is about to be put to work. It looks like Microsoft talked with local, state and federal agencies about Microsoft’s products, the G.S.O.C’s. What’s a G.S.O.C? Well its Microsoft’s Global Security Operations Centers…GSOC’s just sounds so much cooler.

What Happens at a GSOC?

They are state-of-the-art centers that manage video surveillance and access control systems. They lock and unlock doors, they can dispatch security officers and vehicles, and they can host emergency operations teams.

For more on the GSOC’s and Microsoft’s huge sales force read on…

IP Surveillance Standards just around the corner

It was recently announced that three heavyweights (Sony, Axis, and Bosch) of the IP surveillance world will be working together to standardize an interface for all network video products. As you may or may not know there is currently no such standard. With Sony’s history of being a proprietary monger I must say I am quite shocked that they would agree to this. Everything they have ever touched is SONY ONLY. “In Sony we trust,” if you will. Well this is no longer at least when it comes to interfacing standards in the IP security and surveillance world.

So, what does it mean to not have standards? Well it means that without any standards for determining how IP …

Nanny Cameras translated

So essentially what were talking about today is IP surveillance in the home, or as you may have seen splashed across any and all media outlets, the use of Nanny Cams. The long and short of it is your security and piece of mind when you are away is what I am talking about here. It’s crazy right? No? Well good and to those out there who think its boring and your house and children don’t need a camera watching over them your house probably just got broken into. Ok, that’s a little bit dramatic but seriously you have got to become more hip to your families security, it is 2008. All you need is a camera and a recorder what else …

FPS = Frame rate, or frames per second. 30FPS is generally accepted as “real time.” Most security systems are set to record at 4-7FPS, but can also record at higher frame rates. Think about it like a photographer snapping photos of a scene, taking up to 30 individual digital photos every second. The more FPS, the more bandwidth is necessary to transport the images.…